Now that the charity event that I helped with over Holiday break is all done I can relax. I decided that instead of sitting around at my Professor’s house with his cunt of a wife, that I would go out and get some coffee. She asked me to bring her back something but I told her I was taking my long board so I wouldn’t be able to carry another coffee back. I actually wasn’t going to do that but I wasn’t going to buy her a damn coffee, not after all the bullshit I had to put up with her being jealous all the time. It was getting on my nerves!
I went back to my dorm room and grabbed my board and went to the coffee shop. It was a pretty nice day out, being in California though always means it is a nice day out, even when it isn’t. I was waiting in line when I noticed that a few of the people from my Psychology class last semester were sitting in the corner of the shop. I got my coffee and went over to them. I sat down and we had a great time. I went to leave and one of the guys said that he had to go too, and offered me a ride back to where ever it was that I was going.
I told him that I really didn’t want to go back so he took me to his apartment. We spent the day watching movies and just talking. He told me that he didn’t live alone that his Dad lived with him and that he would be home any second. When the front door opened I was shocked at just how handsome his Dad was. He was seriously attractive. I wanted him right away!
I was introduced to him and omg his smile! It actually flustered me. Before I left I slipped his Dad my phone number. I didn’t think that he would actually call, but guess what? He did. He asked me if I wanted to go out to eat, I told him that is not what I had in mind. He asked me what exactly I did have in mind and I told him straight out that I just wanted to fuck him. I met him at my dorm room and it was some of the best sex of my life! He stayed for a very long time, and both him and I enjoyed every single moment of it.