When I want something, and they play hard to get, I turn mean. With Mean Girl Phone Sex, I’m meaner.
Cause you sissy ass bitches love it. Admit those two brain cells you got in there that are fight for third place just go crazy at the thought of being humiliated. Hearing me call you a retarded version of a special ed adult somehow makes the blood go right to the one head you can use properly.
Granted, that could also be gravity just putting the blood in the right place, as it’s definitely used in the upstairs region. Got something going for you though. At least one brain is getting some attention in that flabby meat suit of yours.
Be it humiliating your intelligence, or the fact that you come faster than a police force in a “good neighborhood” during a shoot out. Gotta give my one pump chump of weasels some attention too. Cause that will probably be that fasts thing about you going on.
That noggin you have doesn’t move anything. Let alone a thought…
Hey, you might have an IQ score of a shoe, but if you can make the dick stand, I’ll still ride it.