Fucking Teen Pussy at the Cafe

As I was visiting the campus cafe today, I was accosted in line. That’s right, accosted. Some jerk walked right up behind me and bumped into me, intentionally, then proceeded to grope me by way of “helping me up”. His hands were everywhere. When I finally got finished ordering and moved to the pick up station, I watched him out of the corner of my eye. He was watching me out of the corner of his, which pissed me off. So, I grabbed my raspberry lemonade chai and prepared to leave, only to spill my drink all over myself when he walked into me at the same time I turned around. I started to yell at him, except he had a smirk on his face the size of Dallas. I decided it wasn’t worth it, and turned to request another be made while I went and cleaned up in the bathroom.

At the barista’s nod of understanding, and simultaneous glare of disapproval at the man, I walked into the girls restroom. I wasn’t in the restroom for a whole minute when he strolled right in, grabbed me by the arms, and began accosting me again. Except, this time, I knew why. He pushed me up against the bathroom door so no one could come in, and he ravished me. He fucked me right up against that bathroom door, and ripped my clothes in the process. I was angry about that, but the pleasure was so amazing that it quickly left my mind.

When he finally got us both finished, several minutes later I might add, he magically produced a set of new clothes that were only a size off for me to put on. Obviously he had this planned the whole time. As soon as I was dressed, he walked out. I grabbed my torn clothes and stuffed them in my bag before leaving myself. The barista cocked an eyebrow at me, but didn’t say a thing as I grabbed my 2nd cup of tea and walked out.

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