Tag: Abduction phone sex

Text Message!

Crazy Scarlett: Remember that tiny blonde cheerleader we saw last week when you dropped me off at school?

Daddie: yeah. why?

Crazy Scarlett: Well I managed to make her think I wanted her advice on how to become more of a girly girl like her

Daddie: Lmao. u trick those slutty bimbos all the time, u nasty little whore. What’s in it for me?

Crazy Scarlett: !! u better be nice if u want a taste of this little virgin bimbo – I’ve got her back at your place right now…

Daddie: U naughty girl! Don’t hurt her before I get there. lol

Crazy Scarlett: U better hurry then. This uppity bitch is driving me crazy. I’ve got her feet tied and making her suck my tits. Shes scared but I haven’t hurt her YET, waiting for u! I slapped her til she quit screaming at least

Daddie: I will be right there – driving as fast as I can. Save her sweet pussy for me. Do whatever u want to her prissy mouth

Crazy Scarlett: U got it, big daddie. we will be here waiting, and heres a quick pic to make sure you hurry!

Helping Daddy Fish

I never went fishing with my ‘Daddy”, at least not in the conventional sense. There were times as I was getting bigger that my parents would go on weekend vacations without us.  During these times we would spend the weekend at various family homes, or friend’s of the family homes.  I used to spend the weekends with one of my Dad’s co-workers.  They were a married couple and they were very nice to me.  They didn’t have any little ones of their own so we always did grown up type things together.  One time his wife wasn’t there on the weekend so it was just him and I.

He asked me if I liked to fish, I said, “Ew, no.”  He laughed and asked me, “What if there was a special kind of fishing were you wouldn’t have to touch an icky worm?”  I told him as long as I didn’t have to touch a worm I would go.  We left a note for his wife and we went ‘fishing’.  Instead of going to a lake, we drove to an amusement park.  I was seriously confused.  As we went inside he said to me, “Okay Autumn, for the rest of the day you call me Daddy okay?  It’s part of how we are going to fish.”  I didn’t understand why he wanted me to do this but I said I would.

We went on so many rides, I gave him hugs and told my “Daddy” that I was having such a great time.  We sat down to get some ice cream and ‘Daddy” quickly stood up.  He looked at me and asked me if I was ready to fish.  I told him no because I wanted to stay at the amusement park.  He said that if I was a very good Daddy’s girl that after we were done catching something he would take me on more rides.

He pointed out a little girl a bit younger than myself.  He told me to go over there and ask her if she was lost and if she was to bring her back over here.  I told him I would and I did.  She was lost, she was seperated from her family and was crying a little bit.  I told her that my “Daddy” could help and took her over to him.  He took us both back to the car so he could wash her face because he wanted her to look pretty when he took her back to her Mommy.  He reached into the tackle box and pulled something out and told me to get into the car.  I went into the car and heard him talking to her.  Before long he was making the weirdest noises, I tried to turn around and see what he was doing but he yelled for me to keep looking forward, so I did. 

He kept telling me to call him “Daddy” over and over again.  Then.  The movement of the car stopped and he slammed down the tailgate.  He got into the car and we drove away.  I almost cried because he promised that I could go on more rides.  He told me that we needed to find another fishing spot because this one was all fished out but we would go to the mall instead and he would buy me something pretty, and all I would have to do is help him fish again.

My Trip to the Morgue


Last Halloween, I was doing an internship in a local hospital. I was getting flirty with this Physician’s Assistant who was pretty cute.  I would have gone out with him if he had asked. Instead he thought it would be fun to drug me. He gave me a shot of something that knocked me right out. He then abducted me and carted me off to the hospital morgue in the basement. I woke up surrounded by corpses. I know I was going to be a nurse, but the morgue is just creepy. The smell of formaldehyde makes me nauseous. I pleaded with him to just let me go. I tried to act like I knew it was a joke, but honestly I was not sure his intentions were good.

I thought if I just acted like I wanted to be there; like I was turned on by my surroundings I might get out unscathed. As he was standing over me, I pulled out his cock and started sucking it like my life depended on it. I just tried to forget the smell, forget about the bodies. But he refused to cum in my mouth. He wanted to fuck me in one of the morgue drawers. A man who drugged me and abducted me to the morgue was capable of anything, so I had to go along with it. I was so creeped out sliding on to that cold steel slab surrounded by newly dead bodies. The smell, the cold, the dark, the death…..not an ideal situation for fucking in my estimation.

But I let him fuck the shit out of me. I wanted to lay there like a corpse because I so did not want to fuck him, but I sucked it up and fucked back hoping I would soon be out of the dungeon of death. He came inside me. I thought we could just go back upstairs now, but he wanted to fuck on the autopsy table.  Gross doesn’t begin to describe it. A body had just been dissected on that table and there was blood and tissue on it, and a body bag.  He tossed me over and mounted me from behind, fucking me doggy-style. He was  so hard. Not sure if it was being surrounded by death or forcing himself on me that turned him on the most. Then he asked me something that totally shocked me. He asked me if I would like to watch him fuck one of the bodies. WTF? Forcing me is one thing, the surroundings is something else, but actually fucking a dead person was just vile.  I told him maybe we could save that for our next encounter. Thank goodness he fell for it.

I don’t think I have ever fucked again under such creepy circumstances, nor will I ever. And I certainly never encountered such a seemingly good person who was so fucked up. To this day, I still have nightmares about being abducted to the morgue. Where is the creepiest place you have ever fucked?


Rape Phone Sex Fantasies: Looking for a Sugar Daddy


I was on a date with this nice man I met online at SugarDaddies.com.  It’s a dating service for younger girls to meet older, financially secure men who will wine and dine them properly. I love older men with nice bank accounts; what coed doesn’t? I remember trying to look cute and smart for him-not too slutty, more hot girl next door. I did not want to appear as a gold digger, even though the men on this site do know what we want lol! We had a nice dinner, a few drinks….then I woke up with a ball gag in my mouth tied up in a room I did not recognize.

The migraine and dry mouth told me I had been slipped a roofie. I would have slept with him.  I am no cock tease, unless you got absolutely nothing to offer me. I looked around then I saw him. I think he fancied himself Christian Gray. I saw a wide array of bondage toys and devices; countless whips, chains, restraints, dildos…. I don’t mind bondage games, but I want to consent. I gave no consent to my Sugar Daddy.

He came up behind me, grabbed my hair hard and began spanking my ass with a wooden Fraternity paddle. I felt like I was being hazed. He kept demanding I say. “I’m a cheap slut” after every whack. My ass was bright red. He showed me in a mirror. I told him to just let me go that all of this force was unnecessary. I would willingly play along. But that angered him and I got a smack down and a throbbing cock shoved up my back door. I yelped in pain, but he put his hands on my throat and  choked me while he had his way with my ass for hours. I think he was on coke or something because he lasted forever, never went soft. My ass was sore all over again. He kept me as his sex slave all weekend. He forced me to text my Daddy that I was staying at a friend’s for the weekend so no one would report me missing. He sodomized me repeatedly all weekend. He did feed me and let me pee, but he forced himself  in every one of my holes.

When Sunday night came around he was like, “You can go, you have school in the morning.” He let me shower up, gave me fresh clothes and  tossed me $3,000 cash. I got roofied, held captive, sodomized, and spanked all weekend against my consent , and he just casually discards me like a house servant.  Apparently, he thought I was Sasha Grey. I got myself home, sought medical attention, and canceled my membership with SugarDaddies.com. I’ll find my own sugar daddy. Maybe that is you?

2 Girl Call Phone Sex with Summer and Scarlett: Alien Encounters

My girlfriend  Scarlett and I had a sleepover once when we were younger. We had lots of sleepovers, but this one in particular we vowed never to speak of again until now. We both remember the night clearly, well me far more clearly. We were home alone, in fact we were at Scarlett’s family lake house. Our folks let us stay there for a weekend all by ourselves for a school project we were working on. We fell asleep on the couch together one night, but were both awakened by a green flashing light outside. We thought it was state troopers or the like looking for a missing hiker. But then the cabin began to shake. Everything in the cabin was shaking  in fact, the cabin was spinning. We held each other, almost convinced we were dreaming. Scarlett slapped me and I slapped her, but we were both awake.

Then all of a sudden, the house became still and the bright lights went away. Scarlett and I were in the dark on the couch. She went to get a flash light and candles. I heard her rummaging in the closet, then heard her scream. Then silence. I ran to help her, tripped over a coffee table and hit my head. I woke up later on the couch, watching a transformed Scarlett getting fucked by some monster, some alien like creature. Scarlett was green, with scales and fangs. What happened to my sweet ginger haired girlfriend? What was this thing impaling her tiny cunnie and ass with its serpent like cock? It appeared to be alien in life form and was turning my bestie into an alien with its dick. I had heard rumors of alien life activity here in the mountains. Some women talk of sexual experiments and alien impregnation. To be honest, I always thought those women were crazy, suffering from post postpartum depression or something. But here I was watching Scarlett turn into an alien just from fucking alien dick.

I was scared and mesmerized at the same time. I did not know what to do. I had no experience in alien sexual assault. When the alien shot his massive intergalactic cum into Scarlett, not only did she turn completely green, but her belly got huge. She got pregnant by an alien instantly. I tried to talk to her, but it was like she had no clue who I was anymore. She looked almost lizard like. Then her and the creature came towards me. I tried to run, but Scarlett’s lizard like tongue wrapped around me and threw me back on the couch. Then her alien lover whipped out this torture device, stripped my clothes off and started playing with my pussy. It was like a chainsaw with pink teeth . Obviously some alien sexual torture device. Scarlett was holding me down while the alien fucked me with it. I wanted to hate it, but it felt good. I kept cumming and cumming and cumming.  It appeared the alien impregnated Scarlett and was conducting some sort of sexual experiment on me.

Suddenly Scarlett started screaming. Well more like grunting. She was giving birth to a half lizard half human creature right there on the  floor. Some warped speed gestation for sure. That was the moment I knew I wanted to become a nurse. I helped deliver an alien baby that I watched be conceived only moments earlier. It was exhilarating and scary. But as Scarlett gave birth, she started to transform back to herself.  I wasn’t sure what was in store for us, but once she birthed that creature, the alien took its intergalactic spawn and disappeared. Leaving Scarlett with no memory of what had happened. I cleaned her up, dressed her and told her a story of an alien encounter. I just left out the part about violating her pussy and giving birth to a lizard baby.

To this day, I have never again had an alien encounter nor  have I never told  Scarlett what really happened. But as more and more women go missing every year in our local woods, I thought it important to share our story. Aliens with huge serpent like cocks are using women to repopulate their species and conduct sexual experiments on. Consider yourself warned.

Jesus’s Divine Rod of Fucking

Following the word of Jesus like the cock-hungry disciple that I am, I quickly agreed to Mr. C’s requests. I mean, his thick, throbbing dong was basically a reincarnation of the Holy Staff what’s-his-name used to throw at a bush or something. Well, my pussy is shaved bare, but I’d pray to that dick for a million years to have it stuffed into my cunt.

Thing is, Mr. C and I were on a mission to position the King’s offspring in fucking pain. We quickly hopped into our  van with the P-cock prey hunting radar (white minivan with tinted windows, for all those unchurched), and off we went. Landing at the local park between Fresh Market and Threads ‘N’ Stuff, we pulled up to the curb and scoped out the sandbox. I could tell that Mr. C was already getting stiff, so we pulled out his Jesus-blessed, immaculately bestowed Divine Rod of Fucking and we aimed it at the baby blonde bitch with the little pigtails. 


Sure enough, Jesus seemed very adamant about using that slut, and wanted to borrow Mr. C’s cock to cleanse the demons from that little cunt. It’s all we could do, really–as good and loyal Christians to Christ–to follow his love and desires for us. We’re his loving little ones, and as he rocks us in his hands that hold the whole world, he whispers down at us to either rock a miniature, very young fuckdoll on Mr. C’s dick stick, or make that bitch go down on her ‘lil sis.

We decided to pursue both options.

Using our wild, seraphic imaginations, we quickly grabbed the blonde bitch and her younger sister, pulling them into our van and shutting the door with finality. Yay! Now we could play . . . and use Mr. C’s fuck pole to bless tight, young tiny holes with sanctified white cum. We dragged those sluts down, filled them up, and purified the inner recesses of their baby canals. We batted them around like cats pawing mice, and while I climbed on top of the older girl and muffled her screams with my soaked pussy, Mr. C was ramming the little one’s throat with Jesus’s best intentions. Finally, after rounds and rounds of the uninhibited fulfillment of our desires, we threw the little brats out of the van and drove away, knowing that we, as devoted Jesus-worshipping Christians, are making the world a much safer place.

Pay Back Is A Bitch

Nikki has always been  a submissive thing. She craves being humiliated and controlled. She really is a lot of fun for me and the girls to play with. Every time the girls and I talk about inviting her over to put a collar on her and make her crawl on all fours being our pet with a butt plug in her tight little ass, we get soaking wet and end up in bed satisfying the hunger that just the thought of Nikki stirs inside us. It was no surprise when Nikki went back to school that she started getting bullied right away. She would never stand up for her self. When she told me what was happening it made me mad. I mean we can humiliate her all day long and be as mean as we want because at the end of the day it is all in fun and we love her dearly. but for some ass wipe in school to be fucking with her is a whole other thing. I told Nikki to show me who this boy was and Friday afternoon I went to the school and waited for him to come out. Luring him in my car was easy. When I got him to my house it was all set up and ready to go. He was going to be our pet all weekend and we were going to take pictures and video and out him for the sissy that he is. I had his water and diner bowls set out on the floor, I had a special butt plug just for him and a beautiful leash and collar. His sleeping crate was all ready for him as well. The look on that bullies face when he walked in the door and I made him strip down and get on his hands and knees was priceless. And when I put that collar on him, shoved the butt plug up his ass, made him bark for me and showed him his eating and sleeping area was just perfect. I got pictures of it all which will be shared with his bully friends….bet he will be thinking twice before he bullies Nikki any more.

Dreamin’ of the Future

So when I was little, I wanted to be like the Catcher in the Rye. No, I am not kidding you. How great would it be to hang out in a field of flowers (or wheat or rye . . . like, who actually knows?) and catch little munchkins all day! I know for sure that you P-cock pervert daddies feel the same way as I do about that. You’d all love to hang out with your pants around you ankles and have adorable little ones tossed into your arms–or onto your bulging dicks all day. It would be like a candy store for baby cuties. You could literally have your pick of any shape, size, height, age, and type that you could ever want. The plump, pig-tailed little brunette in the corner with the three freckles across her nose. The shy looking blonde with the itty-bitty titties, sucking on a pacifier in the corner. The tiny little boy jacking his miniature male package at the sight of YOU, Mr. P-Cock, shoving your entire meat stick inside of a 4-foot tall young bitch. The Catcher in the Rye sounds like a great occupation. You just have to think of it as dirty as I do. ;-)

Abused in the ally

I know I am a natural victim. Everyone tell me to stand up for myself. Be strong. But fuck that! I don’t want to be strong. I want to be taken. I want to be held down and used like a whore! I want to have every single hole fucked and used. I need it. I sneak out of the house almost every single night. Walking to the worst part of towns. In my tiny little outfits. Waiting and hoping for something bad to happen. Last night I was out on 5th street. I was walking down a nasty piss soaked ally when I heard a can bouncing down the street! I wasn’t scared. I got excited. My pussy got so wet!  I had to force myself to keep walking slowly. Waiting for the second I felt him grab me. I knew he was there. I could feel him. Smell him.  I knew what was about to happen. Then I felt him throw me to the ground. My face pushed hard against the pavement! I felt my skirt pushed up and my panties ripped off. I was so excited. So turned on! I could smell his breath. It reeked of vomit and beer. Then he buried his cock inside me. He started telling me what a whore I am. What a nasty fucking slut. That I deserved this! And I do. I came over and over until he emptied his seed deep inside me. I laid there enjoying the feel of his cum seeping out of me. Mmmm  A perfect night.

Crosses To Bare

I can’t go to reform school. Think of all the poor, sex-craved adulterers with sinning hearts. They need my tight, round, perfect ass and dripping teenage cunny. I have to turn their evil thoughts away from sin. So I use my pert titties and toned, taut young body to help people in my community find Christ.

With a little gangbanging a whole lot of dick pleasing, I have become a Converting Cumdump. I take sticky, bulbous loads of thick white cum down my throat, up my ass, and inside of my dick-stuffed pussy. In return, my converts take communion and their souls are saved. So that’s why it spelled trouble when I heard Emily Sanders was gonna tell my parents that I’m a slut. NO! I’m not a slut stupid, annoying Emily.

So I had to do something about this. I’m not exactly proud of my actions, but it’s my cross to BARE, I suppose. And I bared Emily’s naked flesh to an entire gangbanging hord of nigga dick busters. They tore her apart from top to bottom. Pulled her strawberry blonde hair, kicked her in the gut, and stuffed her holes with BIG BLACK COCK cum. They impregnated her seven ways from Sunday, and then I walked away from that alley.

She hasn’t been to school for a few weeks and no one’s heard from her since. There was a story in the newspaper about her going missing, but I know nothing ’bout that. One lost soul is nothing compared to all of those that I will continue to save for penance!