I’m a hot teen slut ready for you baby. I got very excited the other night and I cant stop thinking about it. A few friends and I dropped acid and went to the beach. We drank a little, got sandy skinny dipped in the beach and had so much fun. My friend Tevin brought this girl with us that I only had heard of. Apparently she was a whore and damn was she.
Everyone was doing their own thing and she came right up to me I was on top of the car staring at the moon and the stars. She lied right next to me and put her hand gently down my back. Where were all the boys at ? Right? Well she started to rub all over my body and I put her hand right down to my pussy bit her lip gently and told her how sexy she was. Dark long curly hair, brick house body, light eyes, light skin, cute perky tits and a juicy little booty she reminds me of Kylie Jenner.
Right as I pull her bathing suit bottom to the side all the boys come over and ask to join in. They didn’t want to just watch. We ended up getting a hotel and their was six of us you can only guess what happened after the boys saw to fine ass bitches trying to fuck. Acid trips are amazing I love meeting new whores and scoring dick. Now I’m just all alone in my room fucking my own pussy I need another trip soon.