Category: Princess phone sex

Sissy Fairy Faggot Loves To Be Humiliated!

sissy phone sex

Isn’t that cute Sissy? You’ve got your very own business card! Every big fake business man needs his very own REAL sissy fairy faggot card; everyone MUST know that you love to be humiliated. You probably thought I forgot about you, didn’t you sissy? Well silly… you know that there are other sissies to make fun of too, right? You wouldn’t want to be selfish now would you? Even the sissy’s I talk to read my blogs about you and want to be JUST like you! A hoop wearing model that steals my frilliest and prettiest dresses. My last call wanted me to tease her just the same – he told me all about how he wanted to be my little sister and for me to dress him up and turn him into a girl and I did just that! He might just be the next sissy Michael F.… What do you think sissy? What makes a sissy the BEST sissy of all? Is it the pretty hair blowing in the wind along with those soldered on big gold hoop earrings? Is it the prettiest, most glittery dresses? The smooth legs all over? The cutsie panties you wear and then poo poo or pee in? What makes you the best sissy to humiliate? Now that you have permanent earrings I think you’re going to get a perfectly done up nose ring too! All the girls are doing it now days, go ahead and pick out the biggest one you can find. Nice and gold to match your hoop earrings…you want to be the prettiest little sissy in the world now don’t you? Now everyone will know too! You’ll never be able to hand out any more fake-man business cards, only sissy fairy faggot cards from now on!

Hot Teen Slut Earns Holiday Shopping Money with Her Baby Girl Pussy

Hot teen slutThis hot teen slut loves Black Friday. Now, I am not stupid. I don’t go shopping on this day. You couldn’t pay me enough to stand in line for hours to buy some stupid toy or new gadget. I can get whatever I want by sucking cock and giving up my ass and tight bald cunnie. Men love to spoil me. I clean up very well. While stupid bitches were out at 12 am spending their husband’s money, I was fucking those husbands. I got all dolled up. I looked amazing, very high class GFE. Went over to this very wealthy doctor’s house who has a trophy wife well past her prime who does nothing but spend his money. While she was bargain shopping, her husband was fucking my ass. Now, this particular doctor I enjoy fucking because not only does he spoil me financially, he has a huge fucking cock and can eat pussy for hours. Why the hell would I spend money on Black Friday when I can earn it the old fashioned way, on my back? I let him eat me until my hot squirting pussy practically drowned him. Then I let him assault my ass and baby girl pussy with his throbbing old cock. Afterwards, I was two grand richer and filled with spunk. Now I have play money for the holidays, can shop on line and never step foot into some crowded store. Happy Black Friday to me.

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Teen phone sex

Teen phone sex I love teasing older men with my Teen phone sex. I am young, sexy and always wanting to show my body off. Older men are so much more fun in bed. I mean their cocks need a little bit of help to stay hard but they sure do know to fuck a bitch right. The way they work their tongues on my clit and as the finger fuck me. It makes me want to scream and moan. My body shakes and vibrates. It is amazing. I love getting my tight bald cunt filled up with a big hard cock with an older man. Sucking big hard cocks getting them nice and rock hard. I love riding and older mans cock, I want to be the apple of his eye. I think the older men love fucking a younger girl for a few reasons. I think he has a sick fetish where he always wanted to fuck his daughter or some weird shit. But I am always down to give an older man my tight sweet cunt. I take care of my pussy.

I make sure my pussy is clean everyday, unless they like my pussy filled up with cum from another man. I keep my pussy shaved and tight. Nothing worse than wondering if a dude is inside of your pussy. I keep my body tight even tho I enjoy my drugs, and junk food. I keep myself looking good for all the older men to drool and come after me. They love to spoil me and treat me like a fucking princess. I love it! I call the daddy as they fuck my tight pussy. They spank my ass and pull me hair. Fuck  I love getting my pussy pounded over and fucking over again by older men. I know you want to fuck me, so call me for Cheap phone sex. 

Hot Teen Slut Loves Blackmail to Get What She Wants

hot teen slut As a hot teen slut, I don’t want for much thanks to a few sugar daddies. I’m in my first year of grad school for nursing, which means I spend lots of time at my local hospital. Daily I am surrounded by doctors, hot ones and not so hot ones. But, they are all loaded and their God complexes make them think they can have anything they want. I’m not a dumb bimbo at all; I know how to play a wealthy man with an ego into getting me whatever I want, even a brand new car. Dr. Flores is a brain surgeon, literally. They make the most money of all the doctors. They also party the hardest. He has a dirty little secret. He likes young boys. I mean young boys. Hey, I don’t judge, whatever floats your boat. However, I will use your dirty secrets to my advantage.

princess phone sexI was partying with him one night and he was doing some black market Sodium Thiopental, which is an anesthetic that acts like a truth serum. It isn’t used anymore, but you can get it in Mexico and smuggle it over the border. Anytime someone uses it at a wild party, I immediately ask all sorts of questions for blackmail material. We all have our secrets! He started blabbering about his trip to Thailand just so he could fuck young boys. A few weeks later, I brought him my nephew as a present. I knew he would be weak and violate him. My nephew will do anything to fuck me, even take it in the ass by an old perverted doctor. A well placed nanny cam, a few heart to heart conversations with Dr. Flores, and I have a nice new cherry red sports car. Oh, and I had to let my nephew fuck my ass. But I am going to look so hot driving this car. Letting a teen boy fuck my ass is nothing in what I got in return. I will keep your dirty secrets. I may even help you with your dirty secrets, but there always will be something in it for me!

Hot Teen Slut Gets Taught a Lesson

hot teen slut My oldest son has a thing for this local girl Trudy. She fancies herself a hot teen slut; really thinks her shit don’t stink. She has snubbed him a few times. I told him that little tramp is known for spreading her legs for anything on two feet, so there was absolutely no reason she should be denying him. I’m a fierce mamma bear, very protective of her offspring. No one rejects my sons, especially not some spoiled princess teen twat. I invited Trudy over under the guise of babysitting my grand angels. She had no clue who my son was, until she arrived at my place. “Here is a little early Christmas present for you honey,” I told my son as I pushed Trudy into his arms.

She started fighting, calling us both names. I didn’t quite understand the fuss. My son has a very nice 9 inch dick. I taught him how to please the girls. She was just being a twat waffle. She needed a lesson. My son grabbed her mouth like fish hook and pulled her into the kitchen. I shoved some leftover Halloween candy in Trudy’s mouth, while my son shoved his cock in there too. A few minutes of skull fucking subdued the whore long enough so that he could bend her over the kitchen island and force fuck her tight teen holes. I was pretty turned on watching my boy take what he wanted. I mean seriously girls. You cannot prance around in slutty outfits with your ass hanging out, cock tease the boys, then deny them. Some women, like me, raise their sons to not be cock teased by little cunts.

submissive phone sex Trudy was singing a different tune after my son ravaged her fuck holes and left her filled with cum. I knew once her tight holes were filled with his fat fuck stick, she would regret denying him before. Sometimes a teen whore just needs put in her proper place. Don’t you agree?

Diaper Wearing Baby Michael F ?

Mean Girl Phone Sex

Didn’t we just do this? Oh yeah – I remember you were a bad sissy so you’re going to get some extra humiliation this week! Looks like Mistress Levi has chosen the exact pictures you DIDN’T want to be used. Ahh, you’ll remember to send the money next time sissy. We love these pictures, extra giggles all around sissy. You’re going to be famous when we get done with you don’t you worry about a thing! Diaper Sissy baby Michael F(To be announced?)! That onesie is truly hideous, no kidding there but oh how you pull it off sissy. Pull it off enough for me to laugh at you that is! I already know you’re a poo poo baby, you love to poo your panties so I wouldn’t expect anything left from the diaper you have on in those pictures featured above for all to see. You are below me, something I use for my entertainment and focusing on making sure you are publically known is one of my number one goals!! Everyone will know what a diaper wearing pansy you are. These pictures are really to die for, I am laughing as I write about it. And I am sure everyone that sees them feels the same. A crib, really sissy? You’ve really outdone yourself on the attention-seeking level. No worries, this is blog number 4 THIS WEEK about you. Feeling special sissy? You’re going to be known before you know it, everyone is going to be laughing at YOU! Oh sissy, I’ve got more in store for you as our site sissy mascot.

Hoop-Wearing Model Sissy!

sissy phone sex

Today’s headlines: “SISSY BEGS AND PLEADS FOR HER HUGE GOLD HOOPS EARRINGS TO BE SOLDERED INTO HER PRETTY PIERCED EARS SO SHE MUST MODEL THEM FOREVER!!!” All I can hear is Sissy begging “Please turn me into a big hoop-wearing model, permanently out me as a Sissy Fairy Faggot.” Oh she keeps begging, begging to be outted! She loves to sing to me while I write blogs about her; I think she loves knowing I am writing about her while we are on the phone. She eats it up! Knowing that everyone can look up your name and see your shiny earrings flowing in the breeze. You’re looking quite pretty today in your lil outfit, with your earrings and necklace and pretty purple dress. So pretty that we just maybe we are going to have to solder those pretty earrings right on. We are putting you on display for forever and ever! You are going to be forced to model those earrings, even when you take off your pretty dress! When you put your fake-man clothes you won’t be able to hide who you truly are with those big flashy earrings stuck right on you! Oh I can’t wait for you to be a model for those big gold earrings; everyone can know you’re playing dress up for the rest of your life.

Hot Teen Slut Loves Sissy Phone Sex

hot teen slutAs a hot teen slut, I have a mean girl inside of me. I mean I like my men to be men. When they are not, I have the most fun shaming and humiliating them. Take our company mascot for example. She is a sissy fairy faggot who looks better in dresses than some women I know. I can only imagine she has a teenie weenie. Something like an overgrown clit. She wears panties and a bra too. I bet even when she is trying to fool her coworkers in a business suit, she has on sexy undergarments. Why else would someone born as a man dress like a woman? Because she is nothing more than a sissy faggot who could never please a woman in the first place.

Or can she? You see, I have a special place in my cold little heart for sissy fairy fagots like our company mascot. She, and those like her, serve several purposes. First, they are fun to shame and laugh at. Especially, our company mascot. She not only dresses up like an old biddy, but sometimes she dons a frilly pink dress and wait for it, diapers. Yes, she can be an adult baby. To me that is so shameful. Walking around in a full diaper? Who does that. Oh yeah, our company mascot. A sissy like that is just asking to be laughed at. I’m happy to snicker at how pathetic she is in ladies clothes and publicly shame her.

sissy phone sexBut look at her in these pictures? It is like she is hoping some stupid gentleman won’t know her secret, pick her up and take her to a fancy dinner. She is dressed up all elegant like my grandma did when she went to the opera. Hmmmm….. that brings me to the second use of a sissy fairy faggot. I could use a fancy sissy fairy faggot to spoil me. I may be a party girl, but I am an educated one who likes the finer things in life too. I will make our fairy fagot mascot my personal patron. She can pay for me to go to galleries, the opera, plays and fancy restaurants with real men. Sissies will shell out money to protect their dirty little secret.

Another good use of a sissy fairy faggot is as a sissy maid. Make that bitch work for you to keep her dirty little secret. I have no problem sitting back eating chocolate covered strawberries while the company sissy does my housework. If you are going to dress like a girl, well, I will make you act like one too. You can prance around my house in a frilly French maid outfit singing Katy Perry tunes cleaning. Some girls might call you worthless. Not me. You have lots of things you can do for me. I love a sissy bitch. They provide hours of entertainment. They can spoil you rotten like you deserve. And, they can clean your house and your body for you.

I want a sissy for my very own. One I can dress up and shame. I love our sissy fairy faggot company mascot, but she is the property of Goddess Levi first. I still enjoy shaming her however, because every sissy should be exploited.

Let’s Play Dress-Up Sissy

sissy phone sex

Hi there Sissy! I just wrote a blog about you yesterday! You’re quite the popular sissy; I know you’re just eating it up aren’t you? You are loving being humiliated so frequently. I think you’re becoming quite known! No problem with that because you are sure to love that too, you know you’re the house mascot so you get special humiliation privileges. I put your pictures first so everyone could see them, laugh at them first thing. You’re a sissy fairy faggot, dressed to the nines, what are you waiting for sissy? Dressed so pretty, just like a girl – I am sure you have something in mind. I was so excited to see new pics of you, something new to laugh at and make fun of you for and when I saw these pics I even thought that you were a pretty hoop earring model that you want to be so badly, but then I realized you were a fraud, a sissy playing dress up is all. Do you wanna play dress up sissy? Maybe with those dresses you stole from me? I’ll never let you live that down. And I just might post your whole name too! Ooohh, then when everyone saw these pictures, they can laugh and know it was sissy Michael Fraze___. I’ll leave that part blank – for now. There is surly more teasing to come, keep your eye out for it ;p

Mean Girl Phone Sex

Silly Sissy…

Sissy Phone Sex (2)

Oh Sissy… do you know how silly you are? Maybe I should call you Silly Sissy? Or maybe I should just type out your whole real name, right here at the beginning for all to see for all those scanning the start of blogs, trying to see if they’re lured in – I wonder if they want to know the name of our house fairy faggot? Ya know, the honoree sissy we all love to tease relentlessly, make fun of and publically humiliate. Do you remember how we met sissy, not on the best note since you decided to steal all my pretty pink and frilly dresses! Do you remember that…? Deny it all you want, but I have picture proof that can easily be added at a later time, always easy to shame you sissy. I can show the whole world how you love to steal my pretty girl dresses and dress up in them like a pretty princess. I know its true silly sissy, you’re so easy to make fun of about it too. You try to defend yourself, but I can’t help but laugh at you. Sissy sissy sissy, you might want to find some new dresses because next time we talk I’ve got some plans for you, you’re going to need a change of panties possibly! Who knows, I am full of surprises, and you are going to surly be ready to be teased by your favorite mean teen soon…!!!