Category: Daddy’s girl phone sex

Teen Phone Sex with Summer: Beach Blanket Bimbos

So I heard about an audition for a B film entitled Beach Blanket Bimbos that is being filmed near where I go to school. They were looking for hot sexy teens. The audition had a few parts to it. First, I had to submit pics of me in a bikini, including ass shots. Second, I had to have a private reading with the director. And finally, I had to hang on the beach for a day with hundreds of other teen bikini clad hotties getting test shots-to make sure the camera loves me. How could it not?

I had my Daddy take pics of me in my bikini. He loves  seeing my hot body. He especially loved seeing me bend over and show my tight ass. In fact, he was a little jealous that the pics were for some else, so I made sure I took off my bikini bottoms and spread my ass and cunt just for Daddy. Of course he was hard after my amateur photo shoot so I let him jack off on my ass. He loves sliding his cock in between my ass cheeks. We use to say he was slipping his hotdog in my bun.

Well the hot pics my Daddy took got me to the second phase. I met the director. A silver haired fox with a HUGE cock. He pulled it out and started stroking it during my audition. He said I was a natural. Well I really wanted a role in his movie and even though he said I was not required to touch his cock, I wanted too.  I let him know I wanted a role in his movie based on the merits of my body and reading, but I wanted to  fuck him based on the merit of his cock. It was huge! I didn’t mind being on the casting couch. Even if I did not get a role, I got a huge cock. I sat on his lap and slid my tight cunnie down on his huge shaft. He put his hands under my ass and bounced me up and down. Felt amazing. I let him know how much I enjoyed fucking him. Not often I get a monster cock. I like squirting on dicks.

I made it to the test shoot with all the other teen Beach Blanket Bimbos hopefuls. There were about 200 of us, but only 40 would be hired. I arrived for the day curious about what the test shoot involved. I found out quickly. We were to play nude volleyball. Two hundred hot babes on the  beach bouncing around while a few horny men took pictures. I was down with it. I appreciate a hot jiggly chick. It was a long day but a hot one. The cameramen went around slapping girls on the ass if they were to be cut. Kind of like that school dance marathon in Grease. My ass never got slapped. I was one of the last remaining girls.

Now the 60 of us that remain have another audition process. I don’t know what to expect, but I have come this far, so I am willing to do anything to have a role in Beach Blanket Bimbos. I am secretly hoping that they make us do some daisy train action. I saw some sweet pussies and asses on the beach.

Called To The Dean’s Office

When Nyla called me crying I knew I would help her. It seems she was in big trouble with the Dean at the college she attended. Word had gotten out of a big frat party with some pretty influential students whose parents have big money and word was she instigated a bunch of trouble.
In reality they are all bratty ass rich boys who passed her around enjoying her pussy and the fact that she loves to fuck. When their high faluting girl friends found out about it, they raised a big fuss and put Nyla on the chopping block.
If her father finds out he will yank his “good girl” back home and her free and easy college days will be over.
I got dressed in a very provocative dress and headed out to meet her for a visit with the Dean. Cell phone ready to record every seductive minute.
Of course getting him right where I wanted was easy for me. In no time at all his cock was in Nyla and he was fucking her for me.
He had no clue I was recording or that I had looked him up before coming and found that he is not only married but a Deacon at his church.
Blackmailing him was easier then I thought it would be. When he saw the video he turned as white as a ghost and agreed to drop the whole thing and to never bother Nyla again or a copy would be sent to his wife and his Pastor.
Poor bastard met his match!

Daddy’s Girl Phone Sex: Don’t Come Between Me and My Daddy

When I was younger, this guy, a judge actually, found out about my incestuous relationship with my daddy. He threatened to take me away from my father. There was no way I was having that. I loved my father; I wanted to be fucking him. I was not forced. But this Judge Young kept saying I didn’t know any better and it was wrong. He found out because I went to private school with his daughter Rhea. I got drunk at a party and let it slip to her that my daddy popped my cherry. I tried to tell her I was just drunk and didn’t know what I was saying, but she blabbed to her daddy.

Well, I wasn’t going to be separated from my father so I decided to blackmail the judge. Make him stop legal proceedings to have me removed from his care. It was an election year and I knew any threat of a scandal would give me all the power I needed. So, I seduced his goody two shoes daughter Rhea.  I invited her over, slipped her a roofie and got her in my bed. I had a friend of mine snap some rather candid pictures of the judge’s daughter eating my cunt and me buried  between her legs. Got it on video too. I even fucked her ass and her cunt with a strap-on. She was a wild girl. Loved every inch of my tongue on her hot body and every inch of my strap-on in her holes. Who knew she’d be a freak in the bedroom. She may be full lesbian.

I sent the pics and video to her daddy in a sealed envelope letting him know I could and would ruin his precious daughter’s reputation and tarnish his image if he continued the proceedings to have me removed from my house. No surprise, he dropped the proceedings. His reputation as a conservative family values kind of judge would be hurt if the sex tape of his jail bait daughter getting high and fucked by a teen girl with a strap-on went viral. Especially the teen girl whom he was trying to have removed from her home for incest.

I love my Daddy and one should never underestimate the power of a daughter’s love for her daddy. I’d do anything to stay with my dad, including black mailing a judge. No one comes between me and my father.

Summer’s Wet Dream

One of my new besties, Summer, came over to spend the weekend. I know she has the hots for my dad, and I was staying at his place for the weekend. You should see the way she looks at him! And I see his cock get hard in hist pants every time she does. He was “out” when we got there, and even though we tried to stay awake to wait for him, we fell asleep in my bed.  Well, little did I know that Summer suffers from nightmares. Suddenly she woke me up out of a dead sleep screaming like something was hurting her!

I sat up in bed and shook her awake. Summer was covered in sweat and breathing really hard, and was actually rubbing her pussy! When I realized this, I laughed and told her, “That must have been one hell of a wet dream! Tell me all about it!”. She caught her breath and told me it was the most amazing dream she’s had in awhile, and that I had been in it too. Seeing her pussy so wet, I definitely wanted to know what part involved me. Summer said the dream started out with her and I being captured by these giant monsters and taken back to their castle. Hmmm… I wasn’t sure where this was going, but I kept listening…

She said the two monsters were HUGE and had big teeth and even bigger cocks. Once they got us back to the castle, they stripped off our clothes and started playing with our bodies. Their giant alien like hands were all over us. She said in the dream we were terrified, but had no control over what these monsters did to us. She said there was no one there to help us, no matter how much we screamed, and we couldn’t escape. One of the beasts grabbed her, and began licking her pussy with its enormous tongue. She said she came over and over, and by the looks of my sheets – she really had!

She said she watched as the other monster ravaged my whole body with its huge mouth, biting at my tits and pussy. She said I was cumming over and over in spite of my terror. She said she saw how giant their cocks were and was afraid they were going to split us in two. Thats when she started screaming in her sleep. As the huge monster cock entered her tight wet pussy, she said she came even more. My pussy was throbbing just listening to her dream, jealous that I hadn’t had it myself. Summer said both of these creatures fucked us right there on the concrete floor inside their castle. When I told her that she was screaming in her sleep, she said that it was from such amazing orgasms from these beasts.

She was still trembling from the dream, but still very turned on. Just then, we heard my dad come home and go into his bedroom. Summer and I both jumped out of bed and ran to his room to tell him about the terrible nightmare she had. I knew daddy wouldn;t mind at all if we both slept with him for the rest of the night!

I love big black cock

I never knew how much I loved big black cocks before. I went to a party where there were several black men interested in fucking me. I didn’t waste anytime getting to know them, just told them to meet me in one of the many bedrooms upstairs. All of them, at once.
I laid on the bed and they circled around me stroking their cocks. I was ready to swallow every last drop of cum. I was begging for their cum while I fingered my little pink clit still watching them all stroke their thick black cocks near my body and face.
When one was about to cum, he just brought his dick to my mouth and I swallowed his cum without hesitation until the very last man was left. Some stayed after to go for a second round of fun and I was more than happy to go again. In the end I got fucked by the man with the biggest cock, which was actually what I was hoping for.

Candy Collector

Halloween is almost here! All the spooks and candy waiting for me are going to be so wonderful, I can’t wait! I can’t wait to suck lollies, and eat the whole bag! I’ll take it slow though, so I don’t get a tummy ache. But do you know what my very favorite part of Halloween is?
The costumes!
I love dressing up, and I always look so cute. It’s the best, because I can wear whatever I want to school then out later at parties, and getting candy! Last year I was a sexy cop! I looked so good in those tight little stockings, and the short skirt, I didn’t even wear any panties, but that was good because when I went trick-or-treating I sure did get a treat from my neighbor! He let me ride his dicky and had me suck a lolli while I was getting it really good! After he filled me up with his yummy cum, I got to eat it off of his fingers!
I was so tired after, I couldn’t keep trick-or-treating, but he gave me the whole bowl of candy!
When I got home, my Daddy needed some taking care of too! I arrested him, because Daddy had been so bad, then I got to suck his dicky and drink his yummy cum too! I was so full, I didn’t get to eat any more of my candy until the next day!
This year I want to be a nurse, maybe I can visit a few more houses this time.

Grandpa’s “Broken Bone”

I remember back a few years ago when I went to visit my grandpa in the hospital. I had no idea why he was there, and I didn’t really know him all that well, so I walked in his room and said hello. He just looked at me and asked for a hug. It was awkward, but I hugged him.  I asked him what was wrong with him, and being the stupid youngin I was, he told me he had a broken bone.  Ouch, I thought. I told him that sounded really painful, because I had heard about some people at school having broken bones before.

I sat on the edge of his bed and asked him if it hurt. He said that it was very painful. I felt really bad for my grandpa, and so I asked him if there was anything I could do to make it not hurt so much. He smiled and said I was such a good girl, and that yes I could kiss it and make it feel better. That sounded easy enough, so I looked at his arms – no cast there – and lifted up the bottom of the sheet to look at his legs – no cast there either? So I asked him which bone he had broken.

My grandpa told me to lift up the sheet and he would show me his broken bone. I took his sheet off, and he was laying there in a hospital gown. I still didn’t see any cast, so I was confused. He lifted up his gown, and sure enough there was his naked cock. It was just laying there, all soft and crooked. I was shocked, as I had only ever seen my dad’s cock up til that point, and my dad’s cock was always rock hard and straight and stiff. So this must be what they look like when they are broken?

I felt really bad, so I leaned over my grandpa and gave his cock a kiss. I did it gently because I was afraid it would hurt. He told me that helped a little bit, but to kiss it some more and I might be able to fix it better than the nurse had. I really wanted to help him, so I gave it several kisses. It moved under my mouth and I got so excited! I told him it moved and I thought I was fixing it! He told me to put it in my mouth and suck on it to see if that worked better. So I took his poor broken cock and put it in my mouth and sucked it really good for him.

Sure enough, his cock got harder and harder and stiffened right up. I was so proud of myself – I couldn’t believe it – I had fixed his broken cock. Grandpa held my head and forced it up and down on his new cock and moaned as I took all his pain away. He came in my little mouth and I looked up and smiled at him. He looked so happy, and I was thinking what a great little nurse I was.  But then I looked back at his cock and it was back to being broken?? I asked grandpa what was wrong, and he said it was still broken so I would need to come back every day while he was in the hospital and suck it more until it was all the way better.

I agreed, gave him a kiss goodbye, and I visited him every single day after that, working my magic medicine on that cock of his. I laugh now at myself, at how he tricked me, and I know I will never forget Grandpa or his “broken bone”.

Neighbors came over

I’m becoming quite popular now with my neighbors while Daddy is away. When he’s around people seem to stay away unless they’re invited because he’s such a powerful man. After Daddy left this morning I was just enjoying my breakfast when an older man from the neighborhood stopped by with his much younger wife.
I never paid much attention to other women or ever found myself attracted to one sexually, but she was really cute. I think because her husband was so much older than her played a role in the attraction, but I ignored the immediate attraction and offered them both some breakfast. He said was looking for my Daddy and I playfully hinted that Daddy wasn’t home and I’d be alone for a long time before he comes back during our shared breakfast.
Neither of them picked up on my subtle flirtations, her husband was too busy inquiring about when Daddy would be back. I excused myself from the table, said I would be right back and quickly disrobed in the hallway out of view. If this didn’t get the message across, nothing would.
I returned to the dining room naked except for the pair of blue heels I had been wearing and my thigh high sheer stockings. I took my seat at the table as if I didn’t notice I was naked at all. The husband tried to ignore me, but I could see his cock expanding in his tight pants. Seeing as neither of them were prepared to make a move, I walked up to his wife and began to unbutton her blouse slowly one button at a time while randomly giving her soft neck gentle bites and kisses. Her husband did nothing but attempt to discreetly stroke his growing cock with his hand through his pants when he thought his wife and I would not notice. His wife however had no issue with expressing herself, she rolled her skirt up and began to finger herself in front of us. I didn’t notice it before, but to my surprise ( and possibly her husband’s as well) she wasn’t wearing panties.
I used my free hand that wasn’t rubbing his wife’s soft body to gesture him over. He didn’t seem to know what to do once he was in front of us so I unzipped his pants and directed his firm cock into her mouth. I had been curious about what a pussy tasted like, I asked Daddy about it often, but I decided it was best to find out for myself. I spread her legs slowly exposing her smooth pink cunt and flicked my warm tongue curiously against her clit.
It tasted much better than Daddy had described. In the end my face was slippery with her yummy juices, I came fingering myself from the excitement of this new experience. Her husband came shortly after us directly into her mouth, she brought her lips to mine to share his cum with me and the mixed flavors of her cum and his almost sent me into a second orgasm.
I hope this lovely couple visits often when my sweet, hard working Daddy is away so I don’t get lonely. They were fun to play with.

I Love Baby Sitting Little Cocks!

I love babysitting little rugrats. I especially love babysitting dirty little boys. I got a call to watch three of my favorite little brats last night, and man, did we have fun. They are fascinated by my body – such little fucking horndogs at that age. Their father was barely out the door before they mobbed me while I was sitting on the couch, asking to please see my “boobies”.  I told them to take off their pants first, and all three boys gladly stripped down to their cute naked little bodies – so much fun!

I took off my shirt and bra, and their eyes got big as their little cocks started to grow. The littlest came all over himself right there on the couch. We just giggled at him and they all reached out and started playing with my breasts. Their little fingers felt so good and I had already taught them last time just how to squeeze and pinch so that it feels good for me. They didn’t miss a beat! The oldest asked if he could suck on one and of course I said yes. My pussy was throbbing wet from all the tittie attention, so as he sucked while his brothers watched, I slipped my shorts and panties off.

I spread my legs and told them all to show me what they learned before. The oldest stayed on my breast, while the two smaller ones made their way between my legs. They both immediately started licking and they were so good at it! They were going to be amazing men some day. They took turns licking my pussy and my clit and I played with each of their little cocks while they did. Eventually they all came, and what tired little boys they were then! I put them to bed and waited for their father to get home.

He walked in the door and asked if the boys were asleep. I was of course still naked – he knows I let the boys play – and I said yes, they were asleep. He grabbed me and carried me back to the couch where I got to ride his huge cock for the rest of the night. Its my favorite babysitting job ever!

While he was sleeping ;)

I was being a little naughty earlier today. While Daddy was sleeping, I couldn’t help but put his cock into my mouth. I know Daddy likes it when I suck his cock, but I never did it while he was sleeping. I just couldn’t wait I was hungry for Daddy’s hard dick…
After awhile my little mouth was starting to get a little sore from sucking so hard and so much, I decided to get on top of Daddy. I rubbed against him with my tight little pussy until it was wet enough to slip right in. I went up and down on his cock so gently that he didn’t wake up until he came inside me. I wanted him to know how much I craved his cum so I reach into my pussy and got a little on my fingers and licked it off like the good little slut Daddy always taught me to be.
I had so much fun, I hope one morning Daddy does the same for me.