If you’re a nasty peanut butter like me, you know all about TSAC! It’s Teenage Sexual Addiction Counseling, but baby we don’t coax you out of molesting young girls! We, and by we I mean me, convince you to act out those violent little under the table rape fantasies I know damn well you have. What’s her name? Yes I mean the little girl who’s fueling your fucking fire. I know it’s not me; I’m too old for you, but I help with the therapy. You want something smaller, something fresher bursting with innocence to be your pocket pussy for the evening. I think maybe we can take the elevator down to the eighth floor, or lower if you don’t like the higher merchandise. I know you can read between the lines, so don’t be a shy guy. Come by, and buy some time with a young little breeding filly.
Your balls won’t drain themselves. They’re heavy, and I know you’re tired of carrying them around. Let my gaggle of girls weigh your sac in their soft, tiny little hands. Maybe then you’ll begin to understand I mean business here. I want to traumatize as many little bitches as I can. Will your daughter be next, or is it the girl next door’s little whore?