Ageplay phone sex w/ teenage Cock sucking slut that swallows

Ageplay phone sexAgeplay phone sex is my specialty… It brings back all the memories of when Daddy and I used to play when I was just a young girl… He couldn’t get enough of my Young bald pussy and boy did I love sucking Daddy’s cock like a lollipop. Daddy is the reason I am such a good Cock sucking slut today. He taught me early on that pleasing men was my responsibility. Just thinking about all the fun Daddy and I would have when I was young makes my bald slit quiver.

I get so excited reliving those special days with perverts… It is something I am going to teach my young when I do have one. Daddy always told me that older men love having Sex with young girls… He was an alcoholic and would share me with his dealer and friends. I loved having so many hard cocks to suck and swallow. It was my favorite game to play!

I always looked forward to coming home and showing off my good grades so I could get my special treat of creamy cum. Dad and his friends to this day rub dicks in my bad pussy but oftentimes I am too busy venturing off finding new cocks to suck on. Thankfully Daddy taught me so many tricks because now I can use all of my experience with Dad to pleasure other men.

Men always tell me that I give the best of the best Deepthroat blowjob.

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