I don’t really think the guys knew what they were in for when it was time for the track meet to end. I could hear them all whispering and carrying about the after party at my house in hushed tones. You see I started this little roumor myself. I told them to keep it under warps and a secret or their invite would be recinded. You should have seen the looks on their faces as I walked around shaking that perfect little ass of mine pretending like I was watching them to see if they’d tell.
The fact some of the girls were upset they weren’t invited made me giggle even more. Little did they know, this wasn’t really the type of party they’d want to be invited to.
I mean, maybe I’m wrong, they may be whores too! LOL!
Once I got home after the meet I rushed around getting read. Throwing sheets on all of the furniture, and putting on the sexy little outfit that I had picked out for myself. They were going to be so shocked!
As time carried on, I could hear the voices radiating upstairs from the boys starting to gather, I told them all that they needed to sit and wait until everyone was there to get the party started. There was no way that a few of them weren’t smart enough to realize that the party was literally all men and they were sitting there waiting for me.
You should have seen their faces when I made my way downstairs half naked. Their eyes were wandering taking in every inch of my body that was unclothed. The shock and gasps radiating through the room as I moved to the table in the middle of the room, laying on my back not saying a word. I could hear them questioning what was going on as all of them sat pin still.
It wasn’t until one boy stood up, reaching out he pulled at the flimsy fabric, fully undressing me.
I think that’s the point that they all really realized what was actually happening. One by one they seemed to come a little more out of their shell. Touching me, slipping their cocks in me, and oh so much more!