Tag: accomplice phone sex

Snuff Phone Sex

Snuff Phone Sex Teen LydiaI have amazing plans to fuck up some worlds this weekend. ~Sadistic Grin~ I’m meeting up with some of the other Fuckalicious Freaks for a little Ho Rendezvous. I was surprised they invited me but well…. I’m oh so glad they did. These little whores won’t know what hit them! They wouldn’t know evil if it hit them upside the head with a baseball bat. Hmmm what a great idea lol. I am packing my bags right now. It’s starting to get heavy with all the “tools” I’m packing. I’m just so excited I didn’t want to settle for one weapon. I wonder how many of these precious little angels I will take out before they all realize it wasn’t such a great idea for me to be invited? HAHA. I can almost see the look on their faces. Staring at me with those big dumb eyes, full of shock. Blah blah blah with the crying and the screaming and the begging. I really just can’ wait to make them squirm. To make them scream and cry. It’s going to be so beautiful lol. I look forward to tell you all about it. It’s gonna be a killer weekend!Snuff Phone Sex Teen Lydia

Accomplice phone sex with a submissive slut…

She might not like how I force her to lick my ass juices off of your dick but I sure do love it. The sound of her gagging and sputtering and there there is that whole lack of ability to breathe thing that just makes my little cunny start flowing cum like a river.

In fact I think I shall see just how long she can go without breathing by slamming her head down on your dick all the way till it plugs the airway in the back of her throat and then pinch her nose closed. You just let me know “if” I should let her cum back up for air.Your wish is my command, Sir.


All around accomplice …

There you go hun, expand your throat as wide as you can because his cock is going all the way down the back of it whether you want it to or not….

Now if you are a good girl, maybe you will get to go home when we are done. Maybe…. If your teeth scrape his dick or you don’t suck it adequately enough I am going to take my pretty little boxblade here and slice you from right there at that pretty little jugular vein in the side of your neck…….

Your choice…. suck to live or choke to die?