Snuff phone sex takes me to the deep outback down under.

          Snuff phone sex takes me to the deep outback down under. On vacation is the best time to play out the wicked fantasies. After all who would ever tell if I decided to be a brat and get a little something extra. Never thought that I would be abducted from my hotel room. Taken to the outback.

          Hot and stinky in places I didn’t know could be sticky. Titties sweating, heat soaking the hair. Plastering it to me. Now fighting hard was on my mind. In fact, the first time he decided to take me, I only pretended to fight him off. It is after all on my bucket list to have Rape phone sex fantasies more than once in my time.

          They say sooner or later everyone becomes a willing victim. Me, I wanted the adventure. The abduction of my person immediately had my pussy dripping. Moaning with pleasure. Didn’t stop me from becoming a little brat. To be sure that meant that I was to be punished. A bare as spanking.

    Snuff phone sex      That is to say; it just made me wetter and hotter. Really wanting to see how far I could push my kidnapper. Would he snuff me? Curious to know. How far can I go? Toes in the sand. Scooch on the butt to the water’s edge. They say that crocs are everywhere down under. Will he eat me alive?

Snuff phone sex takes me to the deep outback down under.

          Given these points, we are going to test the theory. See if he comes to rescue me and rewards me and him with another brutal rape fantasy that I have.

          Filling the canteen, suddenly a croc comes up and grabs the canteen. Yanking me into the water. Will it be the death roll? Quickly I was rescued. Croc is gone. Looking at him, he was going to eat me alive.

          He smiles, “Don’t hold that against him, the thought has crossed my mind a time or two.” Aussie accent, drove me wild. No time for being a brat. This pussy is out of control. All my fantasies have come true. Jumping on him. Taking his cock. Riding him. Without delay we were both screaming in ecstasy.

          Cock plundering taking and giving me all that ooey gooey cum. Until there was nothing left. Collapsing in a heap to sleep a thousand deaths. It is a good way to go. The best way to be snuffed. Snuff by orgasm.  Snuff phone sex took me to the deep outback where I met my end.

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