Princess Slut Autumn

princess phone sex

Are you the kind of man who loves spending time and money on pretty princess phone sex girls like me? Well, that’s the kind of thing that it excites me to hear. Girls like me should always just have everything in life handed to us. That’s how it’s been so far for me, and I plan on it always being that way. But you could tell that just from looking at me, couldn’t you? That’s because I really was born to be the kind of girl who would rule over your entire life. You clearly don’t know how to rule yourself.

But don’t feel bad. Most losers don’t. That’s why you need me to tell you what you need, how much of it you need, and when you need it. You might think that you’ll pick up the phone and be able to resist me. That’s really adorable that you think that, but it’s not how things are going to go down. When you feel brave and like you’re ready to see what happens when you call this Princess, you know where to find me. But don’t keep me waiting for too long. You don’t want me to be unhappy, do you?



    • shawn on April 22, 2022 at 3:34 pm
    • Reply

    im really into you autumn

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