Nice Guy My Ass

He seemed so nice. I was lost on the way to my mom’s new house and stopped in a gas station to ask directions because my cell phone had died. I asked the guy behind the counter but he had no idea what I was saying. A man in a suit stepped forward and said he could help me out. He said he knew exactly where I was trying to go, but he said he didn’t quite know the street names but I could follow him there as he was headed that way as well. I figured why not and so I went back out to my car. Just my luck, my car wouldn’t start. The man told me he would take me to see my mom so that I could get money from her for a tow and everything would be fine.

I agreed and hopped in his car, not thinking anything of it. Off we went and I noticed as we were driving he was becoming more and more anxious. I asked if he was feeling okay and he didn’t really answer me, just sort of grunted. Something wasn’t right and the hair on the back of my neck stood up on end. I tried to shake it off as nothing and just relax. He suddenly pulled into the driveway of what looked like a rickety old farmhouse. I knew it wasn’t my mother’s house because the address she had given me didn’t match. He said it was his friend’s house and he had to stop and let his dog out and asked me to come in with him so I didn’t have to sit in the cold car. I got out and went inside.

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I went in first and he followed right behind. I heard him lock the door and spun around to find him standing right behind me with a rope. I noticed immediately there was no dog and that this guy wasn’t nice guy after all. He grabbed me and threw me to the floor and started choking me. I could barely breathe and was nearly unconscious when he let go of my neck. I was in a stupor trying to catch my breath as he tied my hands and feet up. I was finally able to scream but then he put his hand over my mouth and told me to shut up or I would die right here. I kept thrashing around as he undid his pants and entered me from behind. He stuck his cock in my ass with no hesitation and fucked my ass so hard I could feel it bleeding. Inside my head I was screaming, but then the strangest thing happened – I came….

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