He Likes To Watch Me Potty

Toilet play phone sex

I hooked up with this older dude a few weeks ago, seemed pretty normal, and truthfully I was getting a little bored with him. To vanilla can be so boring over and over again, so I thought I would cut him lose after one more date. I did like how he would spoil me and buy me some real sexy lingerie to tease him with. However I wanted a little more fun in the bedroom, plus he’s married so those normally don’t stick around too long. Just I was hoping he wanted to fuck me cause there was something his wife just didn’t do, ya know. So it came time for our date and he insisted that we stay inside, so I assumed he just wanted to fuck. 

Which my tight bald pussy didn’t mind letting this old married guy get his dick wet one more time. However, he seemed fidgety and nervous which only made me curious. Normally this behavior is a sign I’m about to find out what it is the Misses just won’t do. As I watched his anxiety build as he stumbled over his word with his cock growing as I stripped him. “Can we go to the bathroom?” he blurted out. I smiled already knowing where this was going. When we entered he got undressed and sat down naked on the tile floor. “Will we potty on me? So I can watch,” he mumbled. *Giggle* I walked over “One or two?” I asked sweetly. And responded with both. 

Devious Bunni kicked in a little bit, as I yanked the back of his head to look up as I spread my pussy lips with my free hand. I started to piss all over his chin and chest while he jerked off his dicks as the golden liquid made its way down his body to his cock. He trembled. Then I turned around and spread my ass cheeks and began to push. Listening to his breathing get heavier as my asshole started to open up a shit log started to emerge out. Before it even fell onto him I felt a load of his squirt blast up against my ass checks. Guess this oldie isn’t so vanilla after all.

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