Daddy’s girl phone sex with teen whore Porsha

Daddy's girl phone sexDaddy’s girl phone sex is what happened to me today. My mommy always brings guys around and tells me this is my new daddy or uncle, but this time my real daddy came and picked me up today. I heard my mommy on the phone with him earlier, she was screaming something about a light bill needed to be paid and I needed some clothes. I then heard her tell him he can do whatever he wants with me and that I’ll be ready to be picked up in an hour.

Mommy ran me some bath water and then washed my little teen whore pussy. She dressed me in up in a pretty, white, tulle bra and panty set and then she put on a little crown and some of her fancy Jewlery on me. She sprayed some candy scented perfume and put shimmer oil all over my body. Mommy said she wanted daddy to remember I was still his little bratty teen whore.

When daddy pulled up to our house, he had one look at me, and I saw his eyes and dick grow simultaneously. He ran to me instantly and gave me a big smile and slid his tongue in my mouth when he gave me a hug. He picked me up into his arms and carried me up the stairs.

He took me to the first room, which happened to me my mother’s room, and had me get on my knees and slid his dick into my glossed, teen lips. He then stood and fucked my throat while having me jack off his big dick until he came. He came all over my young face and perky tits. Daddy then licked the nut off my face and kissed me again and promised me he would never leave me again. My mommy was in the door watching the whole time. Daddy gave me one more kiss on my cheek, got up and zipped his pants, and threw my mom a wad of cash. I watched daddy drive away once again. Hopefully daddy will come see me again soon!

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