Daddy’s Girl Phone Sex Keeps me Wet!


     Daddy’s girl phone sex made me so wet when I thought of him here. I was locked in this hell hole by mother’s wishes. Daddy was always so fond of my little cunny. Mommy she always loved the juice that squirted on her tongue and she never got tired of fingering me! I think the last time we were together before militant camp, I was on my hands and knees enjoying daddy’s ass crack. I put my tongue in his ass the way he liked and maybe that’s why I got shipped away! Maybe I had become a better fuck toy to him then Mommy. I don’t know the reason! All I know is that there were 400 guys on this campus well between here and the local college and I had not even begun to taste the flavors like I wanted. I was hoping that they could drop their  cum in a giant pool and let me lick it all up!

    I made a point of every weekend to go with some friends to a local hang out spot where that sea pool of cum would hang out !  I think me and my friends sometimes made up parties to get that cum juice we craved.  Hey I liked to have fun, fuck and yes of course pass out by the end of the weekend. I think the thing I enjoyed the most was having cocks stuffed in my little asshole and oh man can you believe the parties on campus where that would happen? It was like going to a giant pool of cum with all the guys who wanted to throw their loads in my direction! Mommy may have been trying to save what innocence I had left, but I was throwing it away on gang banging! I loved cock and I was going to ram it up my ass whenever I wanted! And the taste of those double loads just kept me wet all the time!

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