Category: Teen whore

Nice Guy My Ass

He seemed so nice. I was lost on the way to my mom’s new house and stopped in a gas station to ask directions because my cell phone had died. I asked the guy behind the counter but he had no idea what I was saying. A man in a suit stepped forward and said he could help me out. He said he knew exactly where I was trying to go, but he said he didn’t quite know the street names but I could follow him there as he was headed that way as well. I figured why not and so I went back out to my car. Just my luck, my car wouldn’t start. The man told me he would take me to see my mom so that I could get money from her for a tow and everything would be fine.

I agreed and hopped in his car, not thinking anything of it. Off we went and I noticed as we were driving he was becoming more and more anxious. I asked if he was feeling okay and he didn’t really answer me, just sort of grunted. Something wasn’t right and the hair on the back of my neck stood up on end. I tried to shake it off as nothing and just relax. He suddenly pulled into the driveway of what looked like a rickety old farmhouse. I knew it wasn’t my mother’s house because the address she had given me didn’t match. He said it was his friend’s house and he had to stop and let his dog out and asked me to come in with him so I didn’t have to sit in the cold car. I got out and went inside.

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I went in first and he followed right behind. I heard him lock the door and spun around to find him standing right behind me with a rope. I noticed immediately there was no dog and that this guy wasn’t nice guy after all. He grabbed me and threw me to the floor and started choking me. I could barely breathe and was nearly unconscious when he let go of my neck. I was in a stupor trying to catch my breath as he tied my hands and feet up. I was finally able to scream but then he put his hand over my mouth and told me to shut up or I would die right here. I kept thrashing around as he undid his pants and entered me from behind. He stuck his cock in my ass with no hesitation and fucked my ass so hard I could feel it bleeding. Inside my head I was screaming, but then the strangest thing happened – I came….

Spill My Blood

For a snuff whore like me, every day is Halloween. In fact, every day is more gruesome than any Halloween you’ve ever experienced. Reach into that deep dark part of your mind – the part where you only go when you’re alone in the dark with a raging hard-on and some pent up anger. Now imagine me there. Little tiny me. Mocking you for being such a coward, all the while knowing you have rage within you that could rip me to pieces. Pretend I am the last girl that shot you down. The last worthless slut that walked out of your life.

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Now take that knife in your hand and dig deeper into your mind and into the black parts of your soul. Press it against my naked quivering body and watch as my nipples grow hard. Don’t hold back that anger… let it out. Cut my cheek first – slowly – and watch the blood flow down off my chin as if it were sweet red cum. Feel the burning rage flow through your body and imagine your hands around my tiny throat. Choking me until my lips turn blue and my eyes bulge out of my head. Then let go. Let me catch my breath long enough to see you bring the knife back in front of my face.

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Make me beg for my life. Tell me you are my worst fucking nightmare and that tonight I am going to die. Grab one of my tits and slice my nipple off with one swift motion. Before I can scream you kiss me hard. I try to bite you but you slap me so hard my head is spinning. Stick the knife to my throat as you fuck me in the ass until its raw. Tell me I am going to hell and that I will be in pain until I get there. Take me there. Watch the blood pour down my body. Let each drop, each red line, represent someone you hate. Make them all bleed by making me bleed. Crush my throat in your grasp while you make me apologize for all their sins. Then take me there. Take me to that dark place, and never let me go.

Don’t Watch Football, Play With Me!

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Daddy was so fascinated with his football game. I just wanted him to fuck me! I tried to get his attention with small hints and I even grabbed his cock but he was too into the game. Halftime was coming near and this boring football game was really getting to me, I needed to think of something that would catch Daddy’s attention better than his stupid game. I figured if I dressed up in Daddy’s big jersey, threw on a black lace pair of panties and some sneakers I would have his attention, but Daddy was still fixed on the game and my pussy wasn’t going to wait. I had to take care of myself if Daddy wasn’t going to… I started to fuck my own cunt, I was moaning louder than Daddy’s football game. I bet he wants to play with me now! He started to get distracted only to see me laying down with this dildo stuffed in my pussy, he wanted to fuck me – I could see it in his eyes. I was already soaking wet, my pussy was ready for Daddy. He stopped watching the game finally and came over to play, sliding his cock in places of the toy, filling my pussy completely up. Mmm, this is what I wanted, who wants to watch boring football when you can feel this tight teen pussy?

Cheerleader Phone Sex for Daddy

cheerleader phone sexI’ve always been daddy’s favorite cheerleader phone sex slut for football. I was missing spending Sundays in bed with daddy, so last Sunday, I put on my old high school cheerleading outfit and paid him a visit. He had a bunch of his friends over watching the games. They all seemed happy to see me. I served them drinks and food for awhile, then daddy grabbed me during a halftime show. He shoved me down on his dick. I showed him what a good little cock sucker I am. As I was working daddy in my mouth deep, his friends started groping me. I felt fingers in my baby girl pussy and my tight little asshole. Soon, they were blow banging me. Daddy and his friends all mouth fucked me. Their dicks were hard and musky. I imagine a few had never been blown by a hot teen slut before. Daddy, the good host that he is, offered up my fuck holes. I had to bend over the couch and take it up my ass and pink cunnie as the men cheered for their favorite teams. They fucked me like a rag doll. Daddy was so happy. I was so sore. I wasn’t expecting any of his friends to be over, but it was a welcome surprise. I love making men happy. Guys can have pigskin and pussy on Sundays! Maybe I can service you and your friends on football Sunday?

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Mommy Wasn’t Pleased

Teen phone sexAs some of you know, the other day I was at Mommy Melinda’s house.  Oh man did she ever feed me all the cock I could handle!  Anyway, after I took a shower to clean up I sprayed on some of Melinda’s perfume.  I didn’t think it was a big deal, but apparently it was some very expensive perfume and a gift from someone special.  How was I supposed to know that? Although, now that I think about it, it was way in the back of the drawer in a velvet lined box. 

I walked into her bedroom and started to get dressed when I heard Mommy Melinda yell, “Who used my perfume?!?!” Oh boy, she didn’t sound happy at all.  I froze, I wanted to yell back that I had been the one, but I just stood there, not moving.  I went to quickly put my panties on when she came in the bedroom.  I said, “Hello.” She said, “Trudy, did you use my perfume?”  Now you all know as well as I do that when a Mom asks you a question in the tone of voice that Mommy Melinda used that she already knows the answer to the question she just asked.  I couldn’t help myself, I said, “No?”

I clapped my hand over my mouth.  My stupid, stupid mouth!  Why did I say that? Mommy Melinda walked over to me and sniffed me.  Then she asked me why I lied.  I told her that I was very sorry but it just slipped out, I really meant to say yes!  She looked so pretty too.  She was in the middle of getting dressed herself and I could see her full tits just peeking out at me.  Then I started to have very naughty thoughts, I didn’t hear a word she was saying.  I completely zoned out, that is until she swatted me across my bare butt.

Before I knew what was happening Mommy Melinda was pushing me over until my face was pressed against her bed.  Then she started to spank me! Hard!  I tried to wiggle away but that just made it worse!  I kept telling her I was sorry, but she said that I needed a lesson because I told a fib.  When she was done spanking me she told me to lay down and she straddled my face and had me lick her pussy and asshole until she came all over my face.

I think the next time I am over at Mommy Melinda’s house I might have to accidentally on purpose use that perfume again.  Sure, I know I will be spanked for it, but if I get to taste her yummy pussy again it will be well worth it!

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cheerleader slut

cheerleader slut

I am glad I joined the cheer team! Being a sexy little slutty cheerleader has brought me so much attention, I love it. I have of course my number one fans- my daddy and bros. They show up to every game I cheer at. They are extremely supportive. I would never dare say this out loud but part of me thinks they go to keep an eye me, they may be getting a little jealous. I mean my teachers check me out, the older boys at school check me out, and even the ones my age! I like that my dad and brothers are giving me some much needed attention. Tonight one of the teachers came up to me and told me how beautiful I looked and I swear my daddy took me so fatly out of there and into the car, that my head spent around. I got whip lash as he bent me over a seat and pulled my skirt up to fuck my little ass. He marked his territory by filling my up with his cum. Every time I got up to do a routine, I felt it squishing in between my crack.

Take it All

You swing open the closet door and there I sit on the hard floor in the dark. I can see your tall frame standing there and your cock start to rise at just the sight of me. My own panties are shoved in my mouth so I can’t scream and the sudden light hurts my eyes after being locked in the small closet all night. After snatching me out of my bed you brought me here at knifepoint and locked me up. I kept waiting for you to come and fulfill all your rape phone sex fantasies last night, but you just left me here terrified and alone.

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Now, just when I thought I was going to be left to die, here you stand looking ready to take me hard. You grab me by my hair and drag me out into the middle of the room and shove my face down into the hard floor. I taste fresh blood on my teeth and I know this is going to hurt. You’re mumbling something I can’t understand and you don’t seem to be in your right mind. I can smell alcohol and sweat and some sort of smoke, although it doesn’t seem like cigarettes. Your hands are all over me – groping my small tits and despite my disgust for you, making my nipples hard in response.
You roll me over on my back and slap me hard across the face. I see stars for what seems like forever, but when my vision begins to clear I see your fat sweaty body on top of me. My legs are untied and spread – wrapped up around your shoulders. You ram your huge cock inside of me and I try to spit out my panties to scream but its useless. Your cock feels like shards of glass as it rips my tight pussy wide open. If I survive this nightmare, and at this point I don’t know if I will, my once cute little cunny will be destroyed. You took the only thing I had left that made me worth anything… you may as well finish me off.

Cocksucking Fun

cheap phone sex melindaTrudy is such a little slut. She just loves dick and is the best little cock sucker I have ever seen! I knew when she came over just before a few of my friends were set to arrive that she would be down for a good old fashioned cock sucking contest. The guys would be the judges based on how far we can take their cocks down out throats, how long it takes us to make them cum. if we add our hands and how we work them. We are going to film it all so we can watch it later, after the guys leave. It will help us improve out techniques. You can never be to good at sucking cock after all…teen phone sex trudy1


I was waiting for you to come home – sitting in my car across from your house watching. A car pulled in your driveway that I didn’t recognize. I tried to hide my face but it was too late. The woman came walking towards my car. She told me she knew exactly who I was. She called me a dirty fucking whore and a homewrecker and told me to get out of the car. I tried pretending that I didn’t know what she was talking about, but she wasn’t buying it and she pulled out a gun and told me again to get out of my car.

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I was scared shitless so I got out and she made me go inside the house with her. She was so fucking mad and mumbling to herself that she was going to kill us both. She forced me into your office and told me to strip. I was certain she was going to shoot me and I begged and apologized and tried to make her listen. She wasn’t having it. I took off my clothes and she went to the closet and got some handcuffs and chains. What in the hell they were doing in there I have no idea. I was starting to think there was more to this than I knew. She chained me to your office chair and then just stood and laughed while I begged her to let me go.

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Then you walked in the room. Had you been here the whole time? What in the fuck was going on? She pointed the gun at you and told you she had found a little gift for you waiting outside the house. You looked at me in shock and she told you to start fucking me right in front of her. She kept screaming at him that she wanted to see what his little pain whore gave him that she didn’t. He took his cock out and placed it up between my legs and grabbed me tight and started fucking me. She kept the gun aimed at us, but with her other hand started rubbing her own pussy. He came so hard it began running down the inside of my legs. As he pulled out, she dropped the gun and got on her knees and began cleaning his cock. My mind was spinning trying to figure out what was going on. Then I saw him reach down, pick up the gun and point it back towards me. I pulled against the chains but it was no use. The last thing I remember was a loud bang and everything went black.

Sorry, Not Sorry

Its freezing in here and I haven’t had anything to eat for days. Well, except for the few mouthfuls of your cum that you shot down my throat. Now I am so hungry that I am craving even that – at least it was warm in my stomach and moistened my tongue and throat. This ball gag in my mouth makes me salivate but I know its useless because you aren’t going to feed me. You’ve brought me here to torture me and let me wither away to nothing until I die. I know you picked me because I was skinny – I remember you saying it before you smashed me in the head with that brick.

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I woke up alone and naked with chains draping my wrists and ankles and you jamming your cock in my ass so hard that my eyes were watering. I tried to scream but then realized the gag was in place and simply began to shed tears. Once you noticed I was awake, you began fucking me harder and telling me what a filthy rotten little teen slut I was and how I shouldn’t have teased you every day walking home past your house with my little spindly legs and short skirts. I tried begging you with my eyes to stop but that only made you more aggressive.

I swear I could feel my asshole ripping open as you continued to pound me with your giant cock. You kept telling me that I was a bad little girl and that I tease boys with my tiny body. I wanted to apologize and tell you I didn’t do it on purpose, but somewhere deep inside even I knew that was a lie. I used to choose the shortest skirts and I used to daydream of someone snatching me up and making me their little fuck doll. Now that it actually happened I am terrified and I know I won’t ever see my family again. I can see how skinny I am getting – your way of making me look even younger – just how you like it. My ass is still searing with pain and I can see blood trickling down my legs. Two questions haunt me: How long will I last, and will even stop fucking me when I die?