Category: Teen phone sex

cheerleader slut

cheerleader slut

I am glad I joined the cheer team! Being a sexy little slutty cheerleader has brought me so much attention, I love it. I have of course my number one fans- my daddy and bros. They show up to every game I cheer at. They are extremely supportive. I would never dare say this out loud but part of me thinks they go to keep an eye me, they may be getting a little jealous. I mean my teachers check me out, the older boys at school check me out, and even the ones my age! I like that my dad and brothers are giving me some much needed attention. Tonight one of the teachers came up to me and told me how beautiful I looked and I swear my daddy took me so fatly out of there and into the car, that my head spent around. I got whip lash as he bent me over a seat and pulled my skirt up to fuck my little ass. He marked his territory by filling my up with his cum. Every time I got up to do a routine, I felt it squishing in between my crack.

Hippity Hop On Daddy’s Cock!

Teen Phone Sex MonaToday I played a special game with Daddy called Hippity Hop!  Daddy told me it was a super fun game where he got to bounce me up and down on his lap.  In order to play the game, we had to take all our clothes off.  Daddy said we had to get the pieces ready before we could play so he made me suck on his special daddy stick to get it all slippery wet.  Then Daddy said he had to make sure my bald little kitty was ready to play too.  He gave my kitty very special kisses until I was squirming and begging Daddy to play with me.  He sat down on the edge of the bed and lifted me up so I was sitting on his lap.  Then Daddy yelled okay baby girl, it’s time to Hippity Hop on Daddy’s cock!!  Daddy lifted me up and plopped me down on his big Daddy stick and made me bounce up and down.  It kinda  hurt at first.  Then it felt so good I was hopping up and down so fast moaning to Daddy that I loved hopping on his big Daddy cock!  I want to do it again and again!  ♥♥♥ ~Giggles~ ♥♥♥

Take it All

You swing open the closet door and there I sit on the hard floor in the dark. I can see your tall frame standing there and your cock start to rise at just the sight of me. My own panties are shoved in my mouth so I can’t scream and the sudden light hurts my eyes after being locked in the small closet all night. After snatching me out of my bed you brought me here at knifepoint and locked me up. I kept waiting for you to come and fulfill all your rape phone sex fantasies last night, but you just left me here terrified and alone.

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Now, just when I thought I was going to be left to die, here you stand looking ready to take me hard. You grab me by my hair and drag me out into the middle of the room and shove my face down into the hard floor. I taste fresh blood on my teeth and I know this is going to hurt. You’re mumbling something I can’t understand and you don’t seem to be in your right mind. I can smell alcohol and sweat and some sort of smoke, although it doesn’t seem like cigarettes. Your hands are all over me – groping my small tits and despite my disgust for you, making my nipples hard in response.
You roll me over on my back and slap me hard across the face. I see stars for what seems like forever, but when my vision begins to clear I see your fat sweaty body on top of me. My legs are untied and spread – wrapped up around your shoulders. You ram your huge cock inside of me and I try to spit out my panties to scream but its useless. Your cock feels like shards of glass as it rips my tight pussy wide open. If I survive this nightmare, and at this point I don’t know if I will, my once cute little cunny will be destroyed. You took the only thing I had left that made me worth anything… you may as well finish me off.

Cocksucking Fun

cheap phone sex melindaTrudy is such a little slut. She just loves dick and is the best little cock sucker I have ever seen! I knew when she came over just before a few of my friends were set to arrive that she would be down for a good old fashioned cock sucking contest. The guys would be the judges based on how far we can take their cocks down out throats, how long it takes us to make them cum. if we add our hands and how we work them. We are going to film it all so we can watch it later, after the guys leave. It will help us improve out techniques. You can never be to good at sucking cock after all…teen phone sex trudy1


I was waiting for you to come home – sitting in my car across from your house watching. A car pulled in your driveway that I didn’t recognize. I tried to hide my face but it was too late. The woman came walking towards my car. She told me she knew exactly who I was. She called me a dirty fucking whore and a homewrecker and told me to get out of the car. I tried pretending that I didn’t know what she was talking about, but she wasn’t buying it and she pulled out a gun and told me again to get out of my car.

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I was scared shitless so I got out and she made me go inside the house with her. She was so fucking mad and mumbling to herself that she was going to kill us both. She forced me into your office and told me to strip. I was certain she was going to shoot me and I begged and apologized and tried to make her listen. She wasn’t having it. I took off my clothes and she went to the closet and got some handcuffs and chains. What in the hell they were doing in there I have no idea. I was starting to think there was more to this than I knew. She chained me to your office chair and then just stood and laughed while I begged her to let me go.

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Then you walked in the room. Had you been here the whole time? What in the fuck was going on? She pointed the gun at you and told you she had found a little gift for you waiting outside the house. You looked at me in shock and she told you to start fucking me right in front of her. She kept screaming at him that she wanted to see what his little pain whore gave him that she didn’t. He took his cock out and placed it up between my legs and grabbed me tight and started fucking me. She kept the gun aimed at us, but with her other hand started rubbing her own pussy. He came so hard it began running down the inside of my legs. As he pulled out, she dropped the gun and got on her knees and began cleaning his cock. My mind was spinning trying to figure out what was going on. Then I saw him reach down, pick up the gun and point it back towards me. I pulled against the chains but it was no use. The last thing I remember was a loud bang and everything went black.

That’s What I Get

I stole my daddy’s credit card and his car from the garage since he is out of town. It felt awesome driving around in his BMW. I knew all eyes were on me during my entire shopping trip – I just didn’t notice yours because you were being sneaky. You first saw me in the parking lot, putting all my bags of new clothes in the trunk of the car. I got a creepy feeling but looked around and didn’t notice you sitting in the van behind me.

I pulled out and blared the radio all the way home. I guess when I parked back in the garage I didn’t notice you slip inside the garage door before I closed it. I was getting my bags out of the trunk and you came up behind me and simply said quietly, “Hi there”. Well I about jumped out of my skin and started to scream but you placed your hand over my mouth until I stopped squirming. You were so strong. Finally I was just standing there against my dad’s car and you told me you would let go of my mouth if I didn’t scream. I nodded yes and you took your hand away. You told me that you knew I had taken my daddy’s car and so I wouldn’t be able to tell anyone what you were about to do to me.

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I couldn’t help but notice your cock was hard inside your jeans and I knew you had come here intending to fulfill all your rape phone sex fantasies. You took me gently by the arm and took me inside. You asked me if I wanted to “go hard or go easy” and I even though I was terrified there was something about you that made my slutty little pussy wet inside my panties. I told you “easy” and you smiled. You picked me up and laid me down on the floor and told me to take off my clothes. I did as I was told and you watched like a lion watching his prey. I spread my legs to show you my wet pussy and you got on top of me to take what you came to take. As you fucked my tight pussy right there on the floor I realized you were right – I couldn’t tell anyone. But deep inside I let myself enjoy it….

More Cock, Please?

My throat is still sore from the last time I swallowed that cock of yours. But the burning feels good and I crave that hard fuckstick all the time. You walk in and I can tell from the bulge in your pants that you have been thinking about me too. I am wearing the panties you bought me and a pair of heel and that’s it. You demand my naked body and I slide my panties to the floor. As I get down on my knees in front of you, I realize my knees are also still sore from being on them so long for you.

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Being your nasty little cum slut is worth all the pain and I hope you give me some nice smacks on my ass to add to my suffering. I love feeling you for hours even after you’re gone, and days is even better. I choke on your cock as you ram it down my throat with no mercy. I am such a lucky little slut and you make me beg for more. I suck as hard as I can and can barely breathe as you fuck my face without mercy.

As you grab the back of my head I know I am about to get what I really want – that hot sweet cum shooting into my mouth. You pull your cock our halfway so the tip rest right in the middle of my tongue. I open wide and stick my tongue out waiting for that hot fucking load to squirt all over my mouth and lips and slutty little face. You don’t disappoint with tons of cum pumping out in spurts that cover me.. not to mention coat my throat… better than a cough drop! Yummy!

Feel the Heat

Its cold outside but we went walking anyway through the woods in the creek behind your house. My nipples could cut glass by the time we got back inside and I watched as you built a fire in the fireplace. Log after log you tossed in – but I could only think about that log inside your pants. That was the only thing that was going to warm me up! I undressed while you made the fire and sprawled naked out on the floor waiting for you to take all of me. The fire finally started crackling and you turned around to see my sweet pussy waiting for you with my legs open wide.

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You stood there admiring what belongs to you as you undid your jeans and took everything of yours off. Your cock stuck out towards the ceiling and I craved every inch of it. You stepped towards me and muttered, “get on your knees you little bitch…”. Chills went through me and I did as I was told. I took your rock hard cock in my mouth and looked up at you to see your face. You grinned down at me and thrust your cock down my throat. I nearly choked on it, but then took it deep just like you had taught me.

I sucked and licked and kissed your huge dick while the fire and the blowjob heated up the room in no time. Now my nipples were hard from wanting you so badly – it had nothing to do with the cold. You reached down and pinched them and began twisting them until I squeaked with pain. I pulled your cock out of my mouth and took my tongue down between your legs and began licking your balls. I stroked your cock with hand and you pulled my face deeper into your sack. I could barely breathe but I kept licking and sucking, knowing you could feel my cold nose and hot tongue all over your full balls. Then you told me to lay back and I knew it was time for the main event… I laid back and spread eagle for you – and the fire danced while you warmed me up from the inside out.

Sorry, Not Sorry

Its freezing in here and I haven’t had anything to eat for days. Well, except for the few mouthfuls of your cum that you shot down my throat. Now I am so hungry that I am craving even that – at least it was warm in my stomach and moistened my tongue and throat. This ball gag in my mouth makes me salivate but I know its useless because you aren’t going to feed me. You’ve brought me here to torture me and let me wither away to nothing until I die. I know you picked me because I was skinny – I remember you saying it before you smashed me in the head with that brick.

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I woke up alone and naked with chains draping my wrists and ankles and you jamming your cock in my ass so hard that my eyes were watering. I tried to scream but then realized the gag was in place and simply began to shed tears. Once you noticed I was awake, you began fucking me harder and telling me what a filthy rotten little teen slut I was and how I shouldn’t have teased you every day walking home past your house with my little spindly legs and short skirts. I tried begging you with my eyes to stop but that only made you more aggressive.

I swear I could feel my asshole ripping open as you continued to pound me with your giant cock. You kept telling me that I was a bad little girl and that I tease boys with my tiny body. I wanted to apologize and tell you I didn’t do it on purpose, but somewhere deep inside even I knew that was a lie. I used to choose the shortest skirts and I used to daydream of someone snatching me up and making me their little fuck doll. Now that it actually happened I am terrified and I know I won’t ever see my family again. I can see how skinny I am getting – your way of making me look even younger – just how you like it. My ass is still searing with pain and I can see blood trickling down my legs. Two questions haunt me: How long will I last, and will even stop fucking me when I die?

Make Me Famous!

This creepy old man kept watching me at the mall. Every time I looked over my shoulder he was there. I went from store to store but he didn’t even seem to care that I knew he was watching. Even though he was old, my naughty side came out and I gave him a little show the whole time. I purposely dropped clothes off of hangers and bent over at the waist to pick them up so he could see my panties under my short skirt. I just giggled to myself the whole time. It was weird, but it was also turning me on. I am such a slutty little princess.

Finally he came up to me and stuck out his hand – he was holding a business card that claimed he was with a modeling agency. He told me how pretty I am and asked if he could take some photos of me sometime – no charge. I laughed and called him a liar and he swore up and down that he could make me famous. Not that I believed him, but I liked the idea of getting my picture taken so I agreed and invited him to my house. My dad wouldn’t be home from work for a few hours so we could have the place to ourselves.

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Once inside, he told me that he wanted pictures of my body. He reached out and undid my shirt and as I tried to pull away he grabbed me rough and told me that I was going to pose how he wanted me to pose or not at all. For some reason the little scare he gave me made my pussy throb a little and instead of kicking him out I agreed to do what he wanted. He told me to open my blouse and lift up my skirt. He took pictures for about 30 minutes. He finally set the camera down and then he took out his cock. He was such a disgusting old geezer, but my pussy ached for his dick. I have no idea what came over me, but I let this old man fuck me right there in my parent’s house. He stunk like cigarettes, but his cock felt so good thrusting in and out of me that I came like I never have before. He finally came. And without saying a word he took his camera and left. I’ve tried to call the number on his card, but no one ever picks up and I’ve never seen him at the mall again. What a bummer – I would have let him use me again.