Do you like the taste of baby girl pussy? You aren’t alone. I like to lick young pussy, so do my three sons. They were raised licking their sisters’ bald cunnies. My youngest son still lives with me. He is finishing his last year in college. I love him, but he isn’t the best babysitter. My youngest granddaughter is staying with me for a week. Her mommy is my youngest daughter. She is a high end escort, so she travels on occasion. While she is overseas with a client, I am watching her baby girl. I had a hot date last night, so I called Hillary to babysit. She came highly recommended. When I came home, I found Hillary ridding my son’s face. She was clearly in control. I didn’t interrupt them. I checked on my grand girl. She was sound asleep, so I ventured out into the living room to watch the action. Hillary was still riding my son’s face. He has great pussy eating skills, so I was confident he was showing her a hot time. His tongue never gets tired. He loves eating teen pussy. He loves eating any pussy. When they realized I was watching, Hillary had that “Oh shit” look on her face. I assured her I was not upset. My grand girl is sound asleep, and my son is a big boy. I took off my clothes and joined them. I wanted to show that sexy babysitter where my son got his pussy eating skills. She thought she understood good cunt licking until she was riding my face. I made her squirt so hard, she had to be peeled off the ceiling. Been awhile since I shared my son with a girl who was not his sister. Hillary just cinched her job as the family babysitter.