Category: Daddy’s girl phone sex

On display

I woke up this morning to my dogs going crazy. It was 6:15 in the morning and they wouldn’t shut up. I was having one of the best sex dreams I had ever had. But I had to go find out exactly what they were barking at. Who knew it would be my neighbor, standing naked on his back porch stroking his cock with what appears to be his daughters’ panties. When I look back up at his face I see he is looking right inside my window. Watching me as I slide my fingers between my legs and start rubbing my dripping wet pussy lips. I watch him pulling and beating that big cock of his. And I knew  what I had to do. I opened the door and motioned for him to come over. He never stopped stroking his cock. As he came in the living room he threw me down on my couch bending my arms behind me. Then he pulled my hips and ass up in the air, putting me on display as he stroked himself. Finally he laid  the panties right next to me . Grabbed my hips and gave me just what I needed.

Into the Rabbit Hole with Sadistic Teen Lydia

Not all teens are nice.  I look so sweet and I sound even sweeter.  Tell me Daddy, could you imagine my sweet little voice weaving the most nefarious and deadly schemes?  You recognized a darkness inside me.  I craved your attention and I knew I could get it.  But that step monster and her innocent little cum stain have to go.  She’s making you so miserable Daddy.  I want to help you.  We both have grown to recognize that evil inside each other.  We’ve been hesitant until now to tell each other.  After I heard how unhappy she made you, I just couldn’t stand it any longer!  Someone has to pay.  Your wife will be home shortly but innocent little Hailey is upstairs in her bedroom.  I want to help you Daddy.  I want to help you hurt her.  Show me your monster and I’ll show you mine.  Don’t forget the tools and the rope.  The tarp was a nice touch you brought.  it IS going to be very bloody after all.  Hailey never saw it coming.  I asked her nicely but she was too stupid to listen, so I bashed her head into the headboard.  Bleeding and crying she soon knew not to tell me no.  Daddy had his way and I helped him.  I also helped him discover another rabbit hole that sweet Haily was hiding.  I can’t wait for your wife to get  home.  ~Giggles~

Naughty Daddies Girl

Today was so much fun I knew I needed a good spanking for being the bad girl I have been lately. So, I purposely invited two guy friends over to have a good time about 10 minutes before I knew my Daddy would be home.

We were in the middle of me being on my knees and sucking his rock hard throbbing cock, when I heard the front door open. I did not care I just kept sucking it harder and harder making loud slurping noises. Daddy came in yelling asking me what was I thinking acting like this in my mothers house. I just smiled and winked at him. He made the guys leave.

Daddy said you are going to be punished for this I can not let you keep being out of hand. I told him Daddy come on I am old enough I am a adult now you can not spank me as I saw him take the big paddle out of the drawer.

He made it clear to me. (well at least he thinks he did) that the rules in his house are to be followed and it does not matter how old you are if you live under his roof you obey. He bent me over his knee pulled my school plaided skirt up and pulled his arm back and gave me three hard swats till my butt was nice and red. He thinks I learned my lesson but really it just made my pussy yet.

Spank Me

My daddy picked me up from school today. He took me home then he left to the store, I went into his room and found a book about corporal punishment, about a Daddy spanking his older daughter. Soon, as I started reading it I felt a sensation in my cute little panties. As I am laying across daddies bed, I feel a hand grab my sweet little ass and turn around and it is my daddies hand. He asks me if I like reading his book. I did not want to tell him I was so scared. But, he could tell that I was so excited my nipples were swollen and hard. So, he told me he wanted to try something with me. He went into his closet and pulled out a thick wooden paddle. I was so scared at first but I must admit my panties were soaked all over again. He grabbed me and kissed me very sweet, and told me I am always going to be daddies little angel. He pushed me down on the bed on my belly and told me to read the book to him. As, I started reading he smacked me as hard as he could on my ass and my cheeks turned bright red. Then, he turned around and walked out. I ran in the other room, begging my daddy to smack my ass over and over again. I wanted to cream in my panties for him as he showed me the way corporal punishment should be. So from this day forth I will make sure I get good ole fashion spankings by my Daddy!