My friend Trista always invites me over to her house. I have been visiting more frequently than ever. There are plenty of reasons why I speed on over there. For one Trista and I have a lot of fun together. We explore our tight teen bodies and begin to have fun and give each other some sweet tongue fucks. Secondly well this one is harder to fess up too.
So I guess I have some explaining to do. Hmmm well, I was staying over one night and I think Tristas Daddy-o was spying on us because I was going down on Trista and I heard something. Trista reassured me her dad was knocked out asleep. I didn’t mind it so I kept going after we had our fun I went to the bathroom to wash my face and get ready for bed. My legs were cramped from all the scissoring fun we had.
I noticed her dad, and he whispered in my ear. “Licking teen pussy is what I excel at” I knew he was watching. He followed by telling me to meet him in his room once Trista was fast asleep. I was going to borrow a Daddy for the night.
I did just that. I was fucking my best friends Dad, and I was enjoying it. We had to keep it a secret for many reasons, One no one can know about Tristas P-cock Daddy. Two Trista would probably not like me exploring her Daddy very much. Most importantly if I let the cat out of the bag, I wouldn’t be able to enjoy fun nights like these. I wasn’t going to jeopardize that. I love that P-cock too much, and I love fucking my best friends twat also. Trista’s Daddy got acquainted with not only my pussy but my bum and mouth and my whole body.
I guess sometimes you can have your cake and eat it too ;)