Beaten Bit by Bit

The handkerchief in my mouth had the worst chemical taste on it. It made my eyes water from whatever was on it. At least it kept my nose open so I could breathe. I woke up in some strange place and my mind is just now getting less fuzzy. I feel like I have been beaten all down my legs, but they are bent and tied behind me so I can’t see them. I see blood on the floor beside me and wonder if it is mine. I can hear something that sounds like a girl trying to scream coming from another room, but her screams are muffled, and I know she must have the same handkerchief I do, which terrifies me.

I listen closer and hear loud thuds before each attempt at a scream, and some thumps so loud it feels like a body being thrown around. What in the fuck was happening? I couldn’t remember anything of how I got here. I was walking down the street and a car pulled up and that was all I could remember. Now I am tied up and gagged inside some weird dark place with hardly any furniture, and clearly some sort of maniac in the next room. The attempted screams soon turned into pathetic whine and whimpers and got quieter and quieter. It sounded like a dying animal, but I knew in my heart is was another girl.

The noises finally stopped and all I could hear were footsteps coming down the hall towards the room I was in. The door swung open and you stood there, covered in blood, and then smiled as if you were delighted. You said, “You’re finally awake!” like it was the most normal thing in the world to have me hog tied there. You stepped back into the hall for a second and came back with a baseball bat. It was also covered in blood. You came towards me and I couldn’t move, and I was even too scared to try to scream. You rolled me over and untied my legs. They were so stiff and sore, but the worst was yet to come. You swung the bat above your head and brought it down onto my feet as hard as you could.

My bones shattered and I finally started trying to scream. You kept swinging, making your way up my legs, smashing my bones systematically from the bottom up. The pain felt like fire and every dull thud created more and more sharp pain and blood spray everywhere. As you crushed my torso and ribs, I could feel myself choking on my own blood. I began whimpering and whining, and now I know why the other girl did. The last thing left to smash was my face. The rest of me was a broken bloody mess. You stopped for a moment, to hear me whine, and then swung the bloody bat right at my slutty little face….

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