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Author's posts

Tricked at Summer Camp





My parents decided that I should do something productive with my time over the summer since I wasn’t in school; so, I volunteered as summer camp counselor. It was fun, and there were tons of little ones running around.

One particular afternoon, when it was hot and the mosquitoes were relentless, one of the other counselors came by for a chat. He told me that he needed some advice about one of our charges; apparently, a girl had come to him with questions regarding sex. He wanted my perspective, and I eagerly obliged. After all, he was cute!

As he got up to leave, he hugged me a bit too long, and I continued my grasp as we looked at each other. Then, he kissed me on the lips. He was taller than me, and he easily lifted me to the desk, took off our shirts, and then removed my shorts. He pushed his cock inside of me; and, when the tip was in, I begged him not to cum. He was struggling and I began to frantically rub my clit. Within only a couple of minutes he came; he apologized and told me that he had just broken-up with his girlfriend, so it had been a while… I reassured him and said we could try again later.
The next day, I needed help moving volleyball equipment and asked one of the coaches to find me a strong young group of guys. I was shocked to see the young handsome boy that had shot his load so quickly come up to me. The coach put his hand on the boy’s shoulder. I expressed my surprise that the tall young guy was one of the camp boys…not a counselor! The coach laughed at me and said, “Oh no! Billy, here, is a pre-teen!” I wondered if I had been Billy’s first!

Shhhhhh Don’t tell Daddy!



The last few days, I haven’t felt like myself; my stomach hurt and I felt sick when I would smell the scent liquor…which is so unlike me! I guessed that I had the stupid stomach bug that was going around campus. My roommate sat down on my bed and seemed nervous; she asked me if I had recently had unprotected sex. It was funny because we both were on the pill; and I reminded her of that.  She said that maybe I needed to take a pregnancy test; I shot up in bed and screamed, “What?!” She reminded me about the party when I fucked the dork in front of everyone; she laughed nervously, saying that maybe he was really potent. Shit, I couldn’t even remember half of the party, so I decided to go buy a pregnancy kit.

At the pharmacy, I bought the kit and headed straight for the one-stall bathroom. I peed on the stick and waited; I was so concentrated on watching for colors that I didn’t even hear the door open behind me. “Hey, stupid little whore,” the voice said. I began trembling; those are the exact words that Reagan had used while a group of guys fucked me.  But, it had been dark, and I didn’t see any of their faces.

I turned around and he already had his hand on my mouth. “Do what I want and I won’t tell Reagan that you’re here.” He lowered me to the ground and unzipped his pants. He shoved his cock between my lips and I began sucking; he slapped my face, telling me that I was going too slow. But, my mind was on that little stick that sat on the sink. Was I pregnant? What was I going to do?

He shot his load down my throat and wiped the remaining jizz in my hair. He walked to the sink and picked up the stick. “Well, at least Daddy’s gonna be happy. Stupid little whore…” he chuckled as he left. I looked and he was right: I breathed a sigh of relief because the test was negative. I exhaled loudly, thinking that now I could go back to having fun!

Torture phone sex with Reagan





I had gotten a note from a guy that I liked; and I met him at one of the campus buildings after dark, like he told me. It was dark, so I jumped when the door slammed behind me. A small light in the middle of the room flickered on; and, there I saw her…someone who has been haunting my dreams ever since I met her: Reagan. Even the name evoked fear and excitement throughout my body. Last time, she told me that I was a poor dumb slut that was lucky to be alive.

With her trusty blade, she slashed my clothes so that I was standing there naked and shivering. I wanted to run, but I was paralyzed in place and she knew it. She smiled and went to the corners of the room. Her beautiful, terrifying limbs dipping into the darkness, followed by a clicking sound.

It happened so fast that I didn’t even know what was coming at me. As my eyes focused, I was able to see the ferocious mutts before they knocked me to the ground. I screamed out loud when I realized what was happening between my legs: there was a mutt pushing his cock inside of me! He was heavy and Reagan was placing another smaller one on its hind legs. We were a train of panting and fucking!

The mutt’s member continued to swell inside of me to the point of it pinching my cervix. I begged for it to stop, but that’s when I heard laughter. There were other people in the room—and I didn’t even know who they were. Regan’s maniacal laughter was like music; she could see that I was struggling but also becoming wet…even though I knew it was wrong. She leaned down and whispered, “Now you really know what kind of bitch you are!” What power did this woman have over me?! I wasn’t sure, but I liked it! Daddy would die if he knew that I was falling for this deliciously evil woman!

End-of-term party


Since I don’t have to worry about failing Chemistry now that I fucked my professor, I’m free to party hard before returning home to Daddy! The entire floor of our dorm decided to have a party. There were so many drugs there…some that I’ve never heard of. And, as I got more wasted, I tried more of them without even caring what they were or what they were going to do. I felt light and carefree. People were having sex in the hallways, and I even saw one chick trying to piss in the sink with a couple of guys.

I found myself talking to someone that I wouldn’t dare be seen with: a nerd. He pushed up his huge-rimmed glasses and offered me a pipe. He rambled on about the compounds and stuff; and, I just ignored him. But, that was some good shit…not that I know a lot about whatever he gave me, but damn it made me feel good! Everything started going really fast and became really loud. I jumped up on the nearby chair and yelled that I wanted to fuck him in the ass. Some people around applauded and started chanting for me.

I don’t know who got it, but someone handed me a dildo in a harness. I couldn’t get it on, so someone else had to fix it for me. I took off the rest of my clothes and shoved my boobs in the nerd’s face. “See these…you’ll probably never see them again!” I laughed and everyone else did, too. But, he stumbled and bent over the bed, pulling down his pants. It was the whitest ass I’d ever seen!

Someone greased up the cock with lube and I had to grab the nerd’s ass to be able to push it in. I started fucking him, laughing and spanking him. He made these really deep-throat sounds; and, the more I pounded him, the more I got into it. My clit hardened against the base; I lifted my leg on the bed for a better angle and watched as the cock slid in and out of him. Fuck, I was about to cum…and hard! He shot all over the bed, which I later found out was mine, and I collapsed on top of him. “Dude, I hope I didn’t make you pregnant,” I said, laughing. He rolled over and promptly told me that was physically impossible. Whatever, it was still fun!

Makin’ the grade



It’s the last day of school and summer vacation is here! Before going home, though, we’re all going to party hard! There was just one problem: I was failing Chemistry, and I didn’t know how to tell Daddy. My professor told me to visit her at home because she wasn’t going back to campus until September.

I was really nervous, but I tried to look cute; I hoped that she would take pity on me. She lived in a really pretty house; when I knocked, she answered the door with a cocktail in her hand and motioned me to follow her to the patio by the pool. We sat on a chair and she stared at me. I didn’t know what to say, so I started pleading with her to pass me. “A pretty girl like you should know what to do…” the teacher said. I was confused, but she scooted closer to me. She smelled like jasmine and bourbon.

Her fingers traced my collar bone and between my breasts, then around my nipples. She leaned over and began kissing me. “Will this help me pass?” I asked. She smiled and nodded. She lifted my shirt and began sucking on my nipples. “Such yummy, erect nipples,” she hummed. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation as she unzipped my tight pants and put her hand down my panties. I started bucking against her fingers and she moaned in harmony with me.

I couldn’t believe that I was doing this with my teacher…but I got up and took off my pants. I wanted her tongue on my clit. We fucked all afternoon long by the pool. She rode my leg until she came; and, I had never experienced that before…all of that pussy juice on my thigh. She showed me how we could rub our clits together, too. It was so hot and exciting. Now, I know why people say that older women make great fucks! I had so many orgasms AND I passed chemistry; it was a fantastic day!

Playground Picnic with Naughty Surprises

One of the newest guys that I’ve been fucking on a regular basis asked me out for a picnic and the playground. I thought it’d be fun, and I sure didn’t want to study for exams, so I agreed. When we got there, his aunt Jolene was lying on an adjacent towel, saying goodbye to someone who looked like her brother and his little one. My boyfriend waved her over and asked if she would join us; I smiled as she said, “Yes” because I was remembering the naughty fun we had together not long ago.

Jolene and I kept swapping glances and my boyfriend eventually caught on; he asked us, “What is going on?” But, he wasn’t mad; in fact, he was laughing. He clarified that he’d rather see what was going on…versus us telling him. We picked up the towels and went behind a bush by the swing set. I looked over at my boyfriend, who was taking pictures. We posed for him, but then, after feeling her soft breasts against mine, I forgot all about him.

His dick got instantly hard as I began kissing Jolene’s nipples. I bit my lips and couldn’t help but dive into her sweet pussy that was already creaming. I flicked her clit with my tongue and she inserted a pretty blue set of beads in her cunt. Before I knew it, she had flipped me over and was putting the beads, wet with her juices, in my cunt. The cold, round toy felt so good as I bared down on it. When I opened my eyes, my boyfriend was pushing his cock inside of Jolene, his aunt! I watched as he fucked her, cumming again and again! I haven’t ever had a family picnic like this one, but I hope it’s not the last!



A walk on the darkside with Reagan





I was walking around the parking lot when I saw this tall, beautiful woman coming toward me. She said her name was Reagan and asked if I wanted to go to a party of the century. Since I was bored and all of my friends were studying, I decided to give it a shot. After all, what could go wrong, especially if we buddied up?
During the car ride, I kept noticing a few things; I mean, she wasn’t old by any means, but she didn’t look as young as me. She was elegant and there was this undeniable seductiveness about her. Her dark clothes and makeup contrasted my bright blue shorts and pink top.

When we got there, it was dark; I wondered if people were hiding in the bushes because they thought we were cops. Anyway, a few guys stepped in front of the beams and came toward us. I was confused and didn’t know what to think. I looked at my companion, who had an evil grin on her face. There was nowhere to run. “Reagan?” I implored but couldn’t say anything else.

She forced me on the ground and instructed me to suck the gentlemen’s dicks; I wondered what power she had over them and why they didn’t want to gang up on her. The flashed their large cocks and I wasn’t sure that I would be able to take them in my mouth. Reagan told me that I’d better do it if I wanted to be alive at the end of the night. They took turns pounding me and Reagan would torture me while I was trying to keep consciousness. She’d grab ahold of my hair and push me full-force onto those ginormous cocks, making me choke and gag. At the end of the night, I was covered in cum and bruises. Someone must have dropped me back at my apartment because I woke up on the sidewalk and stumbled up to my room. I wasn’t sure why, but I felt a sense of longing for Reagan…as much as I felt terror. There was a certain amount of excitement, being used like that; and, I wondered if I’d ever had a thrill even similar to that one again. Daddy would die if he knew!



Friends who squirt together, stay together





I returned home for the weekend and got to meet up with some friends. I wondered what I was going to do in the small town; but, boy, I had fun! My gal friends and I went out to a cowboy dancing club to drink, laugh, and flirt. I didn’t think anything of it when my friends disappeared for minutes at a time; I had my sights set on this good-looking dude. But he kept mysteriously disappearing.

Finally, at the bar, I swung around and there he was. He said, “Hey gorgeous; I’ve been looking for you!” I smiled and he took my hand, leading me to a small closet. He slammed me up against the wall and began kissing me; I wrapped my legs around him and he pushed my panties aside, plunging deep inside of me. Our groans were stifled under the blare of the music. We straightened our clothes and returned to the dance floor. My girlfriends were ready to leave, and that was okay; I had gotten the guy’s phone number before he had slipped to the bathroom.

My girlfriends and I chattered on our way home; and, we shared our stories, particularly the one about a handsome young guy who had sex with in a small closet area. It was the same guy! We were livid and contrived a plan; I called him, telling him that I was sad that I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye. And, I asked him to come over to my place, where a lot of my girlfriends would be for a little party. He seemed excited, no doubt thinking he could snag a few more girls that night.

We rushed home, stripped, and began getting out the biggest toys in my toy chest. We each took turns, lying on our back, squirting. One person would use the largest dildo or vibrator; another would squirt; and the last one would catch the juice in a glass. We swapped off until we all squirted twice; then, we sucked each other’s pussies, thinking about how the fucker was going to drink our cum.





When he arrived, he was surprised to see us all in one location; but, he thought he was so suave that we didn’t know the truth, that he had fucked all of us. We all sat down on the couch with our drinks and began stroking his legs and ego. He smiled, “Well, girls, this is mighty pleasant.” I replied, “We’re all friends, and we love to share!” We encouraged him to finish his drink, tipping it up, and telling him that we would all have fun together after he finished.

Just like planned, one of my friends slid handcuffs around his hands, while another clasped a pair on his ankles. I straddled him, looking him in the eyes, and said, “Now, let the fun begin.” I told him that he had just drank all of our cum and now he was going to drink even more as well as anything else that came out of our holes. His eyes widened; but he could not get lose, no matter how hard he struggled. We all took turns covering him with our juices, laughing and cheering. As a final goodbye, we all stood up and squired on him one last time; he was drenched when he left, and we enjoyed the rest of the night relishing in our victory.

Payin’ Up, Torture-Style



The other night, my friends and I got really wasted and played poker with some of the frat guys. I didn’t know until the next morning that those stupid little round things they call ‘chips’ were money. So, there I had a hangover and a dude at my door, demanding $300. I had just gone clothes shopping and spent all the money Daddy had sent me. He laughed in my face and told me to be in the stairwell at one of the older buildings on campus that night. And, to wear something sexy. Even though I thought the location was weird, I didn’t have much choice. Sex for $300 wasn’t bad; I began thinking about how much money I could make.

So, the time came, and I put on some stockings that matched my lacey panties, black high heels, and a colorful babydoll negligée. It was dark, so most people thought I just probably had on a skimpy dress. I got to the building and he was waiting outside the stairwell. He seemed pleased. I was ready to fuck him so I could get back to the dorm; but, that wasn’t gonna happen just yet.

He held my hand and took me inside the stairwell. I looked up as far as I could see, and there were guys…some boys, some older men. I was confused. Then, I was told what to do: I’d have to have sex with any and everybody that came down those stairs. Anybody, any fantasy.

The first couple weren’t too bad; they just wanted blowjobs and titty-fucks. But, then, people got perverted. One guy pushed his beer bottle up my coochie and fucked me. Another guy took one of my shoes and put the heel inside my ass, almost whipping me apart; he kept saying, “Yeah, take that, you filthy two-bit whore”! I have no idea why he called me that, but he smelled like he hadn’t bathed in days, or at least hadn’t bathed in anything except his own piss.

One man brought his son, and I didn’t know what to think. The son pushed his gerbil in his little hands toward me; but, the dad waved it away and told him to do it himself. I was thinking, “What the fuck?!” Before I knew it, the little bastard had me bent over and was shoving that gerbil up my ass. “Now, son, make her lay down so little Freddy don’t slip out.” Lightheaded, I obeyed. The little boy crawled on top of me and I waited for him to shove his dick in my pussy. He didn’t, though. Instead, he balled up his fist and began hitting me between my legs. I yelled in pain, squeezing the gerbil even harder. I thought I would pass-out; the old man poured some bourbon down my throat to help me relax. I don’t remember him getting the gerbil out, but I know he did.

I probably stayed in that damn stairwell for at least six hours…and fucked at least 100 people. Some of ‘em were gangbangs, some were women. It was hazy, but I think the dude that I owed money stuck needles in my pussy and took pictures. All I do know for sure is that when I stumbled back to the dorm, all of my holes hurt like never before. I was bruised and bloody from different tortures and the unforgiving pavement. Every step that I took felt like knives were being stabbed in each and every muscle, some that I didn’t know I had!

Pre-party with bestie







My bestie’s birthday was this weekend, and it was so much fun! I decorated my dorm room, and she walked in before everyone had gotten there. So, we had some drinks; and, I began feeling really horny. I love my bestie; and, since I’ve become such a wicked cum-slut, I decided it was time to make my move. We put on our party hats and started acting silly; we were both drunk before we knew it.

I hiked up her skirt and saw that delicious pink pussy, and I knew that I had to taste it! To my delight, she wasn’t wearing panties; maybe she thought she’d get laid at her birthday party. And she would, but by me first. I licked her delicate pink lips and spread them with my fingers. I grinned up at her; she was already wet. She blushed and I continued to flick her clit with my tongue. She threw back her head and moaned.

I played with her little hole with my finger. I could feel her eyes on me as I continued to suck on her cunt. She pushed down the top of my dress, and I pressed by tits to her leg. Circling my finger around her asshole, she scooted closer to me, forcing me to take more of her clit into my mouth. I shoved two fingers into her tight, hot pussy; and she instantly started rocking against me. I felt moisture build up; and, before I knew it, she had squirted all over my face! Her sounds were yummy, too! I licked her juices off of me; and, then, she tasted her own cum on my tongue.

Someone suddenly knocked on the door and we rushed to put our clothes in place. The party was just getting started, but what a hell of a way to begin! My bestie turned to me before opening the door and said, “This has already been the best birthday party ever!”