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Tiffany’s Teddy

I love hitting the bar on Sunday nights. The one thing I can count on is that it will have some very interesting patrons. Last night was exceptionally interesting.
I was already horny as hell when I got there and had decided I was going to get laid. Tiffany was at the house sitting with the girls so I knew I didn’t have to be home anytime soon.
Sitting at the end of the bar was a gruff looking man. He looked like he was drowning his sorrows in booze. I went over and sat next to him striking up a conversation.
He began to tell me how his girl had just dumped him claiming he was a dumb ass and that what he thought was a funny and loving gesture had backfired on him.
Probing further I asked what had happened that caused her to dump him in such a way.
He went on to tell me that she loved Teddy Bears. He had bought her every kind he could find in the year they were dating. So on a whim he decided to get her one that no one could ever have possibly gotten her before nor would ever again.
Thinking this was a sweet thing I asked where he found the Teddy and why she was so unhappy with it.
With sad eyes he undid his pants right there at the bar and showed me the tattooed Teddy around his cock.
I couldn’t help spitting my drink out as I burst into laughter. I know it was like rubbing salt into the wound but I couldn’t help it.
I felt so bad that I told him I had three girls at home that would love to join me and play with his Teddy, my two girls and the sitter.
I took him home and after the girls all got the same laugh I did, we eased his sorrows and played with Teddy all night long. Tiffany was especially fond of it so we named it Tiffany’s Teddy,

The Fucking Asylum

October is always so much fun with all the little whores here at Young Ones. The Mommies of Young Ones always take full advantage of the month with ghost stories, visits to haunted hushes, scarey hay rides and any thing else we can think of to keep the little sluts on their toes.
A couple of nights ago I had a house full of the little fuck sluts and in normal fashion we were all sitting around in short skirts, no panties, cunts glistening with juice while we giggled and joked about the last haunted house we went to and if there was anything different we could try this year.
They were especially interested in including as many bodies of the male persuasion as they could. It would be fun to see if we could keep their cocks hard while they pretended to not be scared when they really were.
That is when I had a great idea.
There is an old abandoned Insane Asylum at the edge of town. It is creepy as hell. The place is full of old hospital beds, many with restraints. walkers and bed pans and old patient records cover the floors. The paint is peeling and the whole place just has a real scary vibe.
Lots of the girls and guys have been there during the day but no one has dared to venture out there at night.
So why not all of us get together and head out there for a good old fashioned orgy in the old asylum?
We all agreed we would go the very next night and what started as a few girls turned into a whole caravan.
Scarlet, Christa, Lucy, Aiden, Symone, Melody, Paige, Riley, Taylor, Delilah and Summer all showed up with boys in tow that could not resist the challenge.
We had one hell of a night. No one knew if the screams were from fright or excitement, it was dark and musty and creepy and I am not sure if we spent more time being scared or getting fucked but it was worth it for sure!

Called To The Dean’s Office

When Nyla called me crying I knew I would help her. It seems she was in big trouble with the Dean at the college she attended. Word had gotten out of a big frat party with some pretty influential students whose parents have big money and word was she instigated a bunch of trouble.
In reality they are all bratty ass rich boys who passed her around enjoying her pussy and the fact that she loves to fuck. When their high faluting girl friends found out about it, they raised a big fuss and put Nyla on the chopping block.
If her father finds out he will yank his “good girl” back home and her free and easy college days will be over.
I got dressed in a very provocative dress and headed out to meet her for a visit with the Dean. Cell phone ready to record every seductive minute.
Of course getting him right where I wanted was easy for me. In no time at all his cock was in Nyla and he was fucking her for me.
He had no clue I was recording or that I had looked him up before coming and found that he is not only married but a Deacon at his church.
Blackmailing him was easier then I thought it would be. When he saw the video he turned as white as a ghost and agreed to drop the whole thing and to never bother Nyla again or a copy would be sent to his wife and his Pastor.
Poor bastard met his match!

Green Goblins

Christa has such a vivid imagination and when she gets something in her head she is bound and determined to make it happen. She came over with a video in her hand all excited about us watching it together. She gathered the girls and popped some pop corn. Putting the disc in the player she chatted about how much we were all going to love this. The screen came to life and it was an animated porn. The girl was lovely and the story was crazy. She gets captured and fucked my all these little green Goblins. They have their little green dicks in her mouth and pussy and they are moaning and cumming all over her. They are speaking in Goblin and even though we don’t understand what they are saying we know it is dirty and demeaning. We all loved her choice of movie for the night. When it was over Christa couldn’t stop talking about how hot it was to think about being fucked and abused by a whole shit load of little green Goblins. We all had a great laugh and with wet pussies went to my room to have some fun with each other.
A few weeks passed and the movie was a distant memory when Christa showed up again saying she had a surprise for us. She told us to go to my room and just wait. She was so excited that the girls and I did as she asked giggling all the way to my room.
Never in a million years could I have guessed what she had in store for us.
My bedroom door opened and in came Christa with five midgets in tow all dressed like little Goblins, covered in green body paint and not a stitch of clothes on, dicks standing straight up in the air and ready to fuck.
The scene in front of me was surreal, but I felt my pussy getting wetter the closer they got to us.
She had obviously shown them her movie because they began to reenact the scene where the Goblins descend on the girl with little green dicks in her, pumping cum in and on every inch of her.
It was so fucking hot. All of us were turned on and none of us could stop cumming.
By the time it was all said and done, every one was covered in cum and green body paint. We were all panting and laughing.
We thanked our Goblins and sent them on their way and then spent the rest of the afternoon laughing and playing and thanking Christa for a great time.

Sex At The Circus

The circus is in town and not just any circus but the greatest show on earth, the Ringling Brothers and Barnum Bailey Circus. The girls are dying to go and all they can talk about is how sexy the outfits are that the ladies wear. They love the trapeze acts and the high wire acts. They love the ladies that ride the elephants and the ones that hang from the ropes and twirl around like ballet in the air. I told them they could invite a friend and they choose Taylor. Getting ready for the show we all had a jolly time. We watched Taylor bath, shaving her pussy and legs in preparation and telling the girls that she was going to find a clown to fuck, preferably a midget. We all got a huge laugh out of that one. Imagining Taylor fucking a midget clown. The girls said they wanted a circus coloring book and crayons to bring home and I assured them we would get one. Then while I was getting ready they all insisted I show off my contortionist moves while naked. They clapped loudly and said I could be a circus lady. They were all so excited about the whole affair. They even shared their circus bear collection with Taylor. All the way to the circus the girls finger fucked Taylor keeping her nice and wet for her midget clown insisting that they get to watch since they helped get her ready. The ride was filled with anticipation and Taylor weaving stories about how she was going to go about making her midget clown fucking dream cum true. I couldn’t stop laughing and cumming in my panties listening to the sounds of giggles, wet pussy and Taylor’s plans. This was going to be one hell of a night and lots of fun for all of us. especially if Taylor really could pull it off.

Bratty Girls Phone Sex Bondage

This is the image on our tee-shirts.We call ourselves The Bondage Bears. There is me and my three cubs. I lead them in our Bondage fun. We are kinky and slutty and ready for anything. The total opposite of those fluffy sweet fucking colorful Care Bears. I am the Mama Bondage Bear.We all have names like those sickening Care Bears, but ours are cool as fuck and will make your dick hard and ready for our style of kinky, bratty girl, bondage fun. I am Melinda and my Bondage Bear name is Bang Me Bear, my cubs are Summer, AKA Spank Me Bear, Nyla AKA Gag Me Bear, and Lucy, AKA Cuff Me Bear. I am certain with time our little family will grow. But for now we have our creed and we love to share it with any horny mother fucker out there that thinks he can take all of us on and not have a sore cock in the morning.

The Bondage Bear Creed

We are Bondage Bears
We like all the kinky stuff
We love it when you get rough
Give us whips and give us chains
Make us scream and call your name
Handcuffs that are cold as steel
Bondage really makes us squeal
Dirty little Bondage Bears
We love it when you pull our hair
Tells us we are dirty sluts
Make us lick your sweaty nuts
Spanking is what turns you on
Spank us baby all night long
Four Bondage Bears having fun
Fucking till we all cum
Even in your wildest dream
You will never see so much cream
Squirting, screaming, begging for more
Bondage Bears are just hard core.

A Hiking We will Go

We have had this day planned for weeks. The girls invited out little incest whore Faye to come with us for a day of hiking with a picnic for lunch, camping at a the top of the mountain and then a hike back tomorrow.
I let all the girls pack their own gear. any games they might want to play and any other toys they may need. I wanted to be surprised by what they brought.
I packed up all our food and essentials letting my mind run wild and staying in a hot and horny state with a wet pussy the whole time.
The entire ride there we sang nasty songs and played road games, like who could spell the most sex words or phrases using the letters of license plates on the passing cars.
As soon as we got there the girls were ready to throw on their back packs and get this thing started. We all had our cameras and I brought a video recorder.
We hiked for half the day and found a beautiful secluded lake that we decided to have lunch at. The girls all ripped off their clothes and dove in, laughing and playing while I made our sandwiches.
I love watching them being so intimate with each other out in the open with the sun glistening off their wet bodies.
When I was done I took off my clothes and joined them before we sat down to eat with out a stitch of clothes on out here in the midst of nature.
Packing up wee finished the rest of the days hike and found a gorgeous spot to set up our one tent and camp for the night.
After dinner the girls began pulling things out of the bottom of their back packs. I was pleased to see that each thing they brought was sexual in nature.
Faye brought her favorite dildo and a sex board game. The girls brought twister, playing naked is one of our favorite things to do, a strap on, a vibrator and scrabble, which we play using only dirty words and sex related terms.
We were going to have a wonderful evening.

Fucking In The Rain

When Summer called I was thrilled. She is a fair skinned beauty with the most mesmerizing eyes. Her body still has the qualities of a young girl. She doesn’t have mature full curves and her tits are small. It is easy to imagine what she looked like just after puberty. She keeps her tight little pussy shaved smooth and her pussy lips are small and delicate looking. She loves her job as a nurse and she brings healing with more then conventional medicine to her patients. She is truly a remarkable young woman, especially in bed. So when she told me they were short staffed at the clinic and she could really use an extra pair of hands to do the little things she wouldn’t have time for I was more then happy to help.
The girls had an outing planned with friends and wouldn’t be home till late so the day was all mine. And hers now too.
Walking into the clinic it was chaos and I could tell by the look of relief on her face that she was glad to see me.
My first task was to sit with a man who had no family with him and had been injured at work. He had a gash in his hand and the bandage needed to be kept changed until the doctor could come in and stitch him up.
I walked in and he was a manly man. We began the small talk and I changed his bandage. Leaning over my plump tits peeked out of my top and I watched his dick grow in his jeans. It just kept getting bigger and I never thought it would stop growing.
I couldn’t help but stare with my mouth wide opened and a yearning to touch it, see it, suck it and fuck it. When I looked back up at him he was grinning ear to ear and said “It’s something else, isn’t it?”
Shaking my head in affirmation he grabbed my hand and placed it on this monster under his jeans.
“I would really love to get together after I am done here and so would my friend, Summer. If you feel up to it that is.” I said to him bluntly.
I didn’t think it was possible but I believe his cock got even bigger at the thought of two of us!
We all met in the parking lot and went to a secluded area by a lake near by. Laying out a blanket that we borrowed from the clinic, Summer and I undressed him and began to eagerly work his dick with our mouths. We had just gotten into it really hot and heavy and the skies opened pounding us with rain.
Riding his cock in the storm was so fucking hot. His big dick, big rain drops and lots of hot wet pussy.
What an afternoon!

Christa’s First Squirting Phone Sex Experiance

I just love it when new girls move into the neighborhood. I can usually judge them just by watching them for the first couple of days they are around. This one didn’t even take a few days. As soon as I saw her walking home from school in that uniform that was way to short to be appropriate with a fuck me sway to her hips, I knew she had been fucked and liked it. In fact her entire demeanor screamed “fuck me” with out her saying a word.
I instantly devised a plan for my girls to meet her and invite her to the house. It didn’t take long for her to open up and tell me how much she loved dick. So I invited a couple of my friends over that love to fuck for a little get together. It was the best fuck session ever. Christa was every bit the whore she professed to be. Fucking and sucking like she couldn’t get enough. But the icing on the cake was when I had her lay back and masturbate for us. Telling her just what I wanted her to do and how I wanted it done. I watched as she built her orgasm under my tutelage and then it happened, she had her first real, full fledged, squirting orgasm. That cum shot out of her pussy like a volcano erupting, Her body shook and her screams were uncontrollable. We all came hard at the same time, cum and jizz squirting every where. What an afternoon!

Fuck Me Like A Cave Man

Delilah is a fiery red head that lives down the block. She has 5 brothers and sisters and her Daddy is a single parent. Not bad looking, a rugid construction worker. Not usually my type but recently I have been looking at him with a wet pussy and the need to be fucked by him. He looks like he is the kind of man that would have a few beers and throw his bitch around, taking her cave man style. So I started inviting Delilah and her brood to the house. It gives me a chance ot third degree Delilah about her Daddy. It didn’t take me long to find out that her Daddy loves incest with her as much as I love family fun with my girls. This only served to make me want his dick more. I also found out that just as I thought when he was drinking he was rough. I invited Delilah to bring her Dad and family over for a cook out and pool party last Sunday. Her father was happy to accept, I am sure he was glad to not have to cook for all of them and be able to relax for a day. I made sure to quiz Delilah and found out all of his favorite cook out foods, Going out of my way I made sure we had them all and plenty to drink. As soon as I knew he was sufficiently buzzed I told the girls to look after the little ones. Winking at Delilah I took her father inside and told her she could either join us or stay at the pool. As soon as we were inside I stripped, bending over I rubbed my big ass on his crotch. He grabbed me by the hair and drug me to the bedroom ripping his clothes off as soon as the door shut. He fucked me hard and rough, his stubble burning my thighs when he went down on me and his mouth tasting of beer. It was just what I needed. My pussy was sore for days! Next time my girls and his are going to join us for some real family fun.