Why not snort both! I am obsessed with cum and with snorting cocaine. I love both, and as a party girl phone sex slut both are always around. One night I was partying with a guy and he accidentally overshot his load and it landed on my coke mirror. We were so wasted already and had no idea where it went and just carried on. At this point of the night we weren’t cutting lines we were doing bumps and smoking it in some weed. We were fucking Blasted! I had taken a couple of ex pills prior and was just so obsessed with everything that night.

In the morning when I was looking to do a small morning line I noticed the strange substance on my mirror. It was crusting and my blow was partially hit by the cum. It was drying and crusty and I figured fuck it I’ll just scrape it up and snort a bitchen line of semen and cocaine. So I am very curious what’s your thoughts on criffing? You ever snort semen? I looked up the snorting of cum crust and found there was an actual term fuck yeah urban dict. aces to that twisted team in keeping my twisted thoughts and shit in check.