Daddy’s girl phone sex I’ll show the love. To begin with I have always been the little girl that would wait for her daddy. Climb up onto his lap. Pat his beard. Then I learned what love was. Finding out that if I nibbled on his ear I would feel the poke of something hard on my behind.
Now this really thrilled me. I was making daddy happy. I wanted to learn to show my love for my daddy. I decided I would. I will admit that I the first time it hurt. Not at all the second time. Then went I got older I was one hot teen slut. Fucking Daddy every chance that I got. Following him around. Knowing that I had to keep it a secret but at the same time wanting to tell everyone.
As long as the wrong people didn’t learn our secret was safe. Bouncing on his lap became learning all new positions. Reverse cowgirl, the scissors, and stairway to heaven. Now the stairway to heaven really is heaven. Among my many lessons I also learned to always see to Daddy’s needs first and foremost. This is the best way to show my love.
In summary all the lessons I learned as a young one I have passed onto my very own brat and she now shows that love to me as a sexy as hell teen.