Teen Phone Sex and Daddy’s Long Leg was my reality. Some fantasies are worth waiting for and Daddy proved that one night at home! I ran into the bathroom giving Daddy a good look at my nice long legs and tits. Daddy didn’t say anything but I knew he was evaluating my body. I had been teasing Daddy like this for a very long time. I think Daddy knew I wanted him so bad that I would ache. I was always confused about how Daddy made me feel. Shrugging it off I went to my bedroom to play with my swollen cunny. How could I be so sordid that I was thinking of my Dad’s meat head pushing inside me?
Hearing the door creak open I acted as if I was asleep. “Briona, I heard a voice whisper. “I peaked in your room and it seemed like you were punishing yourself.” No Daddy I said. Blinking I could not believe my eyes, Daddy was standing there with his dick in his hands stroking it!
I guess he knew I was pleasing myself for a very long time and he was finally here to take care of his princess. Climbing on the bed I smiled at him and began to stoke his cock! Lifting my face to his he kissed me and then drew his attention down to my tits. I would say I was afraid but I had been planning this fantasy in my head for weeks. I knew Daddy was going to be an excellent lover and I know you will too! The thing is are you ready to take the step necessary to be with this teen whore?