Teen whore revenge

Teen whore revenge is what I am all about. I love getting back at the prissy bitches at school and making their boyfriends mines for the night. I love coming in between your relationship breaking up your little fairy tale relationship, especially if you are bitchy, simply because it gives me the win. Love showing you I am prettier, sexier, and better than you. I could do just about anything, I can get away with whatever I want. The sticky cheer captain Kara thought she was cute trying to cut me out of the team, I made sure I seduced her linebacker boyfriend at one of the frat parties, I was so content just making myself his slut for the night. I even got the slut kicked out and yes you guessed I became the new cheer captain, I also decided to keep her boyfriend and her spot on the team. I always win and I will always remind you that I do.


teen whore

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