Tag: snuff phone sex

Bloody Food Fun

Snuff Princess LydiaSo today’s blogging topic is “Making Food Sexy”. Of course all these other bitches are doing cutesy little cookies and muffin blogs. BORING!! Really?? That’s all you can come up with?! No imagination whatsoever.

If you really want to make food sexy I suggest you cum to the dark side and start with something young. The younger the flesh the more tender the meat I say. The fun part is the “Preparation” of the meal. I love my meat a little more on the rare side and no meat can be too tender so you really have to beat it really hard! Treat the little lambs like venison, nice and tender.I imagine quite the gruesome scene. The good news is, we don’t have to commit to just one right?!? We have so many dishes we can make let’s do them all! Female, male, let’s fillet them all up. Of course I want you to have your fun with them. No need in letting a perfectly good body go to waste right? Play with your food! Indulge yourself. It’s the “LITTLE” things in life that are important after all right? If you are looking for real imagination instead of this fluffer nutter bull shit then I’m the Sadistic Phone Sex Teen of your bloody nightmares! Badabababa. IM LOVINIT!

Sadistic Teen Phone Sex Lydia

Snuff Playtime with Evil Teen Lydia

I opened a day care center just for Daddy.  Little Angel’s Playtime Paradise was quite a hit.  I had a great idea for Daddy’s Birthday one day.  I sent him an invitation asking him to “Play with Me”.  I had each little bitch locked up in a cage, gassed and dressed up in sexy little lingerie.  When Daddy came in, I jumped out and yelled SURPRISE!!  Immediately I cut a rope and up went a tiny little naked body.  She had a noose around her neck and her little legs were just a kicking lol.  It was SO cute!  Daddy was so happy with me it took him a few minutes to figure out which little Angel to do in first!  I pulled the cute little blonde out first and down the hatchet his cock went!  We had a fun filled night of forcing sweet little things to do just terrible things.  Daddy had never had so many tiny little fuck holes to fuck at once!  I’m a little mean though so I used some of my playtime to paint pretty red pictures on the floor.  Daddy thought it was so cute he took out his camera phone and took some pictures and video of the whole thing!

Bloody Slave Darcy

Mrs.Hewlett called me again this evening tell me she wanted to introduce me to someone to teach me a lesson about crying earlier when she let all those men do whatever they wanted to me. I agreed thinking that it was just going to be more men that wanted to fuck me or wanted me to give the blow jobs. 

 When I arrived to the address I was given, I was told to just walk in. As I did there was the most beautiful figure I had ever seen standing there but she had a look in her eyes like she wanted to torture me. I was terrified the moment that I saw her. She said follow me,she took me to a room where there was knives,needles, and scissors every where, and a bed with straps on it to tie me down. 

 I asked her name and she immediatley grabbed me by my hair and threw me down on the bed and strapped my arms and legs down. She was so much stronger than she looked. She said her name Nemo. Then I knew just who she was Mrs.Hewlett told me about her and how she was in some crazy nut house. I knew I was in danger. When I started crying she laughed the most evil laugh I had ever heard before. 

 Next thing I knew she had knife in her hand and she started slicing my arms not real deep just enough where I could feel it and see blood drip off of my arms.  She went up and down my legs I started feeling myself faint, as I heard her demented laugh over and over again.  

 I have no idea what happened after I passed out. I woke up in the hospital with no trace of the Deviant Killer Nemo. Because, I have to follow orders of Mrs.Hewlett I must go see Nemo again tomorrow.


Into the Rabbit Hole with Sadistic Teen Lydia

Not all teens are nice.  I look so sweet and I sound even sweeter.  Tell me Daddy, could you imagine my sweet little voice weaving the most nefarious and deadly schemes?  You recognized a darkness inside me.  I craved your attention and I knew I could get it.  But that step monster and her innocent little cum stain have to go.  She’s making you so miserable Daddy.  I want to help you.  We both have grown to recognize that evil inside each other.  We’ve been hesitant until now to tell each other.  After I heard how unhappy she made you, I just couldn’t stand it any longer!  Someone has to pay.  Your wife will be home shortly but innocent little Hailey is upstairs in her bedroom.  I want to help you Daddy.  I want to help you hurt her.  Show me your monster and I’ll show you mine.  Don’t forget the tools and the rope.  The tarp was a nice touch you brought.  it IS going to be very bloody after all.  Hailey never saw it coming.  I asked her nicely but she was too stupid to listen, so I bashed her head into the headboard.  Bleeding and crying she soon knew not to tell me no.  Daddy had his way and I helped him.  I also helped him discover another rabbit hole that sweet Haily was hiding.  I can’t wait for your wife to get  home.  ~Giggles~

Sweet treat for Daddy

Come here sweetheart, I won’t hurt you, I just really need your help finding my poor lil lost puppy.I know your mommy told you not to go home with strangers, but she meant big old scarey men, not sweet pretty girls like me! I don’t look scarey at all do I sweetie? That’s right come with me, we are gonna have so much fun! First we will find my puppy, then we will go to my house so you can meet my friends, we’ll have a sleepover! Won’t that be fun? I’m gonna teach you all kinds of fun games to play, big girl games, you wanna be a big girl like me right? Of course you do! Come on in baby girl, come and meet my friend, we will call him Daddy. He’s gonna help me teach you the first game. You see this right here? That is his cock and we are gonna kiss it! Let me show you what to do then you will do it. Stop all that bitchin and cryin and open your mouth or things are gonna get rough for you! You were dumb enough to come with me now take your punishment! Open your fucking mouth all the way, he’s gonna fuck your mouth and throat before he fucks that tiny pink pussy. Don’t fight, it’s only gonna make it hurt worse. Ok then, if you’re gonna be a little bitch and fight us, then we will have to tie you down, trust me fighting won’t help you anyway, we are bigger, stronger, and smarter than you will ever be whore so knock it the fuck off! Hahahahahha oh Daddy look at her fight against the ropes like she could actually break them! Keep fighting whore we like it rough! Get ready cus Daddy is gonna fuck that tiny lil ass now. Ooooohhh Daddy that’s right fuck that lil whore as hard as you can! Keep screaming whore we like it when you scream! It is only gonna make us hurt you more. You belong to us now bitch, I bet you wish you hadn’t been so stupid now huh? *giggles*

Lets be BAD!

C’mon baby let’s be BAD! Let’s stalk a pretty lil thing and make her ours. I wanna fuck something up today and I want YOU to help me! Once we get her back to our place we can really have some fun with her, do whatever you want to the lil bitch she isn’t ever gonna leave here… alive anyway. We can do anything to her, anything your sick twisted mind can come up with. Let’s take our time we have as long as we need, there’s no rush baby. I wanna hear her scream and see the fear in her eyes as you force her to do unspeakable things. C’mon baby let’s play! What a beautiful day, the sun is shining, birds are singing and there are lots of lil pretty things out playing all alone. I fit right in here, I look like all the nannies that are sitting around gossiping not paying attention. It is so easy to grab a lil bug and take her with me, she’s going to help me find my poor lost puppy. Once I get my lil bug back to my place things change real fast! I like to experiment with my lil bugs, cut them open to see how they tick, see just how many things I can stuff inside them before they split open. Don’t you just love they way they scream and cry? I’ll keep on going until my lil bug is totally squashed, wanna help?

Necrophilia Phone Sex with Sadistic Teen Lydia

Dead LoveDead love. That’s all it really is isn’t it? Just because the flesh isn’t warm anymore doesn’t mean it has nothing left to give. We won’t start that way of course. See I like getting them to that point. Hurt the little bitch and stuff your big cock forcefully inside her teeny little cunnie. Tightening your hands around her little neck rewards your cock when her whole body clenches down around you. It’s hard to stop then isn’t it? Why would you? It’s not like we can let her go after this. You fantasize about raping that nice hot little twat and asshole repeatedly until she’s just laying there, a motionless doll. But you didn’t cum yet… You look at me while I’m sitting there furiously rubbing my pussy. And I beg you, don’t stop. Keep fucking her till you cum! You can feel that lifeless body as the temperature starts to slowly cool down. No need to stop, I won’t let you. I will keep encouraging you to love that dead little body until you blow your load inside her corpse. Death isn’t the end. It’s only the beginning…Dead Love Phone Sex

Snuff Phone Sex Halloween Style

Accomplice Phone Sex Teen LydiaI wanna put the horror back in Halloween lol. I was thinking of ways to attract some dirty little sluts for you. Then I came up with the perfect idea! A Haunted House! I’ll invite my school friends over for a slumber party. All the shit these dumb little bitches think isn’t real will actually be enough to carve them limb from limb! Don’t worry, I know you will want to play with some of them before their imminent demise, lol. I’ll have the dungeon set up for you for the ones you want to tear to pieces with your cock. There is no escape for the girls. Eventually they will realize this Haunted House is a trap. By that time we would have taken out more than half the girls lol. I think it would be particularly funny to drop body parts in on some of the girls. So they can recognize their friends HAHA! Wouldn’t that be awesome?! I’m a very good Accomplice so I promise to have all the specific “criteria” you want. You just tell me the age, type, race etc that you prefer and I’ll serve you up a buffet of bitches to hurt and snuff till your cock’s content! Let’s get bloody this year. Oops I already started…Snuff Phone Sex With Teen Accomplice Lydia

I am preparing her for your pleasure….

Look at the sweet little prize I brought you to play with. I am a good whore for you I really am. I found little Alley here and befriended her with a promise of a party with lots of hot guys at it. Of course I didn’t tell her that she was the party favor and the only hot guy was going to be you.

As you can see I was a good accomplice whore and have her all tied up and ready for you. I took the liberty of lubin up all her fuckholes and doing a little bit of nipple and clitty torture so she would be good and scared and crying by time you arrived. I have her all prepped for you and am anxious to see exactly which one of her fuckholes you want to stuff while I torture her little tiny teen body. By the way, no one seen her hop in my car so if it pleases you I would love this little slut to be the next cover photo on a milk carton….

** For all of you sadistic horny perverts out there to today me and Alley are actually in the same space today. She is at my house and I have been stretching her little fuckholes all afternoon. For real. We are offering 2 girl calls where we are actually in the same room doing all the nasty things your perverted dick craves… **

Snuff Phone Sex

Snuff Phone Sex Teen LydiaI have amazing plans to fuck up some worlds this weekend. ~Sadistic Grin~ I’m meeting up with some of the other Fuckalicious Freaks for a little Ho Rendezvous. I was surprised they invited me but well…. I’m oh so glad they did. These little whores won’t know what hit them! They wouldn’t know evil if it hit them upside the head with a baseball bat. Hmmm what a great idea lol. I am packing my bags right now. It’s starting to get heavy with all the “tools” I’m packing. I’m just so excited I didn’t want to settle for one weapon. I wonder how many of these precious little angels I will take out before they all realize it wasn’t such a great idea for me to be invited? HAHA. I can almost see the look on their faces. Staring at me with those big dumb eyes, full of shock. Blah blah blah with the crying and the screaming and the begging. I really just can’ wait to make them squirm. To make them scream and cry. It’s going to be so beautiful lol. I look forward to tell you all about it. It’s gonna be a killer weekend!Snuff Phone Sex Teen Lydia