Tag: sissy phone sex

Sissies on Parade!



My older sister and I returned home from shopping, and what did we find?! Her husband in some kind of outfit…dressed like a sissy!!! We were both shocked and I looked at my sister, worried about how she would react. She started laughing and said, “Well, okay, then. I guess we’ll have a fashion show!”

My sister told her husband to get out all of his sissy little clothes and lay them on the bed. We put together several ensembles while we demanded that Sissy put on some make-up. “Are you sure this is all?” my sister asked. Sissy’s head bowed and he returned with a Little Bo Peep outfit! “Oh, now we have to start with that one!” She told me to go get the camera; we were going to make a fantastic video of our fashion show. You should’ve seen Sissy’s eyes! They got so big, but I think it was partly from excitement. My sister and I also placed our own clothes on the bed; we began modeling for the camera. My sister brought a bottle of wine; and, by the second bottle, she and I were throwing off our clothes and just making Sissy parade in them.

We’d walk or crawl down our catwalk, but Sissy had to prance in his outfits. My sister plopped on the bed and spread her legs. “Fuck me, Sissy,” she growled. I moved to leave but she told me not to go and threw me a strap-on. I put the harness on and pushed the dildo against my clit…and it began vibrating. Sissy started fucking my sister and I pushed the cock to his asshole. It was already open and ready but I took my time because each time I pushed it further, the vibration became stronger. By the time that I had the entire cock buried in Sissy, I was cumming. I collapsed on Sissy and we were all lying on top of each other, a human pile. It was so much fun and I can’t wait to watch the film!


Not a Chance, LOSER!

Donald lives next door to me and texts me damn near every day. He always sends me pictures of his cock and tells me how bad he wants to ram it in my shit hole. UGH. He thinks he has a chance with me because I let him watch me as I masturbated once. I was so horny and got off to the idea of some creep peeking in my window. I seductively licked my lips and blew him kisses as I dug my fingers deeper and deeper inside my pussy. The only reason I did it is because I felt bad for him. I got completely sick of him texting me every day so one day I texted him back, “Cum over.;)”. I KNEW for a fact I wasn’t going to give him any nookie but why not play with this pathetic dork.

I opened my door greeting him with nothing but a tank and panties on. His pecker instantly got hard and began bulging through his pants. I laughed right in his face. What a loser! I tossed him on the bed and mounted him making sure to push my tits against his chest. He began grabbing my ass and trying to slide his fingers in my tight hole but I told him to not fucking touch me and slapped him across the face. I wanted this pathetic loser to really think he had a chance so I can let him down as harshly as possible.

I stroked his tiny penis with my hand and got really close to his ear. I nibbled on it then stuck my tongue all the way in. Next, I began to whisper, “It’s never going to happen” but as soon as I said “It’s” he screams “CUMMING” and let off a huge load in his pants. OMG how gross, right? I let him know that was the closest he would get to fucking this pretty Princess and to stop fucking texting me. I told him how much of a fucking loser he was for making such a mess in his pants. No wonder he never got any pussy.  Even though I was degrading him, for some reason he had this stupid grin on his face the whole time. I called myself setting him up for failure and showed him that hot piece of ass like this doesn’t fuck with losers like him. However, the grin on Donald’s face told me he had won a small personal victory that evening.


It’s so Hot to be a Princess

Not only is it hot to hear someone call me Princess, it’s also hot to know that they are correct.  I am the mother fucking Princess!  Being a Princess such as myself comes with a lot of perks.  I get a lot and I do mean a LOT of pretty sparkly things sent to me!  How fucking great is that?  Especially from my sissy dolls.  Most of them want me to make them just like me!  Which I am happy to do because I am perfect, and helping them to try to achieve the level of perfection that I have makes it a good deed and makes me happy. It gives me Jesus points, and who the hell doesn’t need some Jesus points?

One thing that all Princesses need is a type of Tiara!  The more girlie the better.  So many of my sissies have Tiara’s.  They wear them for me when I watch them on cam.  Some of them go all out, and have their full gear on for me, which by the way I just LOVE!  They prance and prim for me.  We work on so many things together.  Like how to do their hair, how to dress, how to do their make up, how to make it look like they have some sissy tits.  You name it, we do it.  One of the things they have a hard time with is walking in something with a heel.  No lie, every one does. The first time I wore five inch heels I almost fell over every time I tried to take a step, but then I found out there is a secret for walking in high heels.  I share that secret with my sisses!  They are amazed by what an immediate difference it makes for them. Next, are the shoes.

When they learn how to walk in very very high heels then I have them save their pennies so that they can get a wonderful pair of blinged out Princess shoes.  All Princesses need sparkling heels to make them a true Princess!  They are always so excited to show me what they bought, and I am thrilled to see the shoes.  I love shoes, and I am absolutely flabbergasted by people who do not.  I guess it’s a Princess thing.

Fem Friends

Peyton called and said she had a special friend that wanted to come over with her. I love it when she wants to come play with the girls and I because she is such a good sissy training slut and her feminine male friends are so much fun to play dress up with. She showed up early in the afternoon right after the girls got home from school. Her friend was so shy staring at our girlie clothes with a look of envy in his eyes. I told Peyton to take him to my room and feel free to let him wear anything in my closet and drawers. The girls and I took off our clothes down to our matching silky underwear and got ready for our play date. They know what Peyton’s friends like and they love playing with them. When they finally emerged from my room, her friend looked stunning and the transformation in her attitude was like night and day. It always amazes the girls and I how different Peyton’s friends are when they come over as boys, shy and introverted, but when they put on silky sexy girl clothes with makeup and heels and are free to be who they long to be, they are completely different people, happy and carefree and not shy or introverted in any way, They are finally comfortable and themselves. He was now a she and she joined us with a big grin on her face, Peyton had done her make up to perfection. Wearing a pretty pink little teddy of mine with a guarder belt and thigh high hose, she was simply beaming! We had a wonderful afternoon and we all played with her clitty and mangina (as she calls it). By the time they were ready to leave, the girls and I were very fond of her, so much so that I even told her she could keep the clothes she borrowed and told her to come back anytime, with or with out Peyton.

Did You Say Bidding?


Today at the college library I ran into the hottest older man ever. Soon after I told him that I wanted to taste him we headed to a hotel. I gave him such an hot nasty fuck session that he offered to do my bidding as long as I would allow him a weekly fuck and suck. His first task was to put up flyers for a sports party he would give at his house, his expense. No girls are allowed except me of course. The guys showed up in groups and my man was a perfect host but he was in for a shock. During halftime I put him on his knees, naked in the center of the table like a ham on a platter. I announced the new half time event. Within less than a minute the poor guy had cocks inside every opening on his body. Hard rods were choking him, stretching his ass, smacking his face, just fucking dicks everywhere. That older guy swallowed so much cum his tummy hurt. His ass was bleeding and leaking mass amounts of sticky man juice. I sent him to make our drinks without a shower. He will be a walking cum magnet for the rest of the night. Best party ever!!!!

Power Of The Baby-Doll

Hiya all my sweet sissies!  I know a lot of  you love to wear baby-dolls, and I wanted you to know that I love to wear them too!  I really do.  I have so many of these things it’s not even funny.  I think I have a baby-doll addiction.  I really love to wear them during the summer, because it’s just too darn hot!  That isn’t the only reason I love them though. Nope.

The second reason I love them is because there are times where I stay the night at my friend’s houses, after a night of clubbing perhaps, or if we have a girls night, I like to take a baby-doll with me.  Most of the time, my friends still live with their parents, so that means if there are brothers around who will then get to watch me walk around in my pretty little lingerie.  It never fails to get their cocks hard.  Now I know that some of my Sissies wear their baby-dolls to make Daddy cock’s big and fat too.  They know how much fun it is to tease, and tease, until their Daddies cannot take anymore and before the sissies know it, they have a special Daddy Treat slamming into their Sissy Pussies.

My Sissies and I know the full power of wearing sheer baby-dolls, but do you?

Sissy phone sex with Treasure

So lets talk about family and the members of your family. Now I know in everyone’s family there is always at least just one that stands out as the special one. Therefore this special member of your family could be anyone of any gender that shines to be the rainbow in your entire family. So the rainbow in my family happens to be my cousin. Ever since he was young, we all just knew he was different in a swishy kind of way. The first time I knew my cousin was swishy special was when I was small enough to go bouncy bouncy on my Daddy’s knee. It happened on a beautiful spring day with my family decided to have a family picnic reunion. All of my sisters and my other girl cousins were having a tea party in our Sunday best dresses when the special cousin of mine decided to join us for tea. He told all of us girls that he wanted to make believe that he was a pretty, sissy lil’ girl. So we hooked our lil’ sissy cousin up with a pretty dress, big sun hat, nylon stockings, and the prettiest lil’ girly sandals to match too. Lol! We all knew this made our sissy cousin so happy, especially when her clitty dicky was trying to poke threw her dress. Lol! That’s ok because after all, she is family and family is what matters most.

Sissy Princess Training

Sissy Princess Alert!!  It always makes me smile when a Sissy phones me to let me know how pretty I am, and how they want to be just like me.  I have had that happen more than a few times.  Because of that, I am going to start offering Sissy Princess Training Sessions.  These session are for the truly Girlie-Girl Sissy.  I will teach you how to properly wear perfume, which perfume to use, how to take care of your nails, how to take care of your clothing, how to take care of your hair, how to do your hair, how to wear make up, and the proper way to apply it.  The most fun though, will come when we shop together!  We can look at all the pretty frilly things online, and I will choose something for you to buy.  Of course there will also be “girl talk” about men, how to masturbate like a girl, how to suck a cock (but only for those who are interested in such things, not all Sissies want to have a dick in their mouth).  Usually I am very much the mean girl, but if you know you are a Sissy, then why should I not help you to be the best Sissy you can be?  Also, if you would like, there can be assignments given to you that you would have to complete. This involves you sending me pictures to my email so that I can see the progress, or to make sure you have actually done the assignment.  OMGOSH I am so excited!  This world needs more Princesses, and especially Sissy Princesses. xoxoxo

Sissy Phone Sex

Peyton is turning out to be a beautiful young lady!  Over the years she has learned the fine art of tease & denial, and I couldn’t be more impressed with her.  Princess Peyton has listened and understood that the way to a man’s heart is through his cock.  I know the way used to be through his stomach and what not, but I know that’s not the case.  Peyton was over visiting when this panty waste asshole Adam came over, and all Adam wanted to do was get in Princess Peyton’s pants.  She noticed right away and used it to her full advantage.  She shook her ass, bent over in front of him, and sometimes she even walked a little too close and rubbed up against him.  His cock was throbbing and pressing against his jeans so bad that he was visibly uncomfortable.  Adam tried to grab Peyton, but she quickly moved out of his path and told him that if he ever hoped to even touch her arm then he was going to have to provide much more to her than some lame ass cock that is hard.

Sissy Cocksucking Cheer Squad

He was so excited to be invited to Jasmin’s house for a Homecoming Party after the Football Game.  I honestly do not think he had ever been invited to anyone’s party, especially not a Rah-rah and Jock party.  Four of us; dressed in our cheer uniforms; walked up to him while he was standing at the locker and gave him the invite.  At first he didn’t take it because he thought we were joking around with him.  I told him that his name is on the invite but if he didn’t want it we could just switch out the name on the invite.  He snatched it out of Madyson’s hand, he even smelled it; eww. lol

As we walked away, I looked back at him, he was watching us walk down the hallway back to our group of popular friends.  Just to be ‘sweet’ I blew him a kiss, he didn’t know what to do, so he just blushed.  We were laughing so hard.

We had him sit down on the sidelines with us as we cheered for our football team.  All of us took turns sitting with him, explaining the moves, or just chit chatting about classes.  By the end of the game he was completely relaxed.  He even was invited into the locker room with the guys so that they could all leave together to get to the party at the same time.  Us girls left before hand to make sure everything was set up.  Two hours later the doorbell rang, the guys came in, along with him.  The look on his face as he saw us all standing there, in our panties and bras, pom-poms on our hips, ready to cheer.  The guys pushed him to the front, he was laughing, and smiling…that is, until we started our cheer.

The little shit actually started to cry!  He went to leave, but trying to get through a wall of linebackers just doesn’t work that well.  He was pushed to his knees, as one by one, all those yummy football player cocks came out.  He really did put up a fight, but it was like an ant trying to take on The HULK.  He took those cocks, sucked each and every one, swallowed load after load, there was no mercy given. By the end of the night, he was completely humiliated.  We pushed him out the door with cum still sticking to his tongue.  I wonder what he did when he finally got home, and had to look his parents in the eye.  What he said when they asked him how the party was.  The number one thing I wonder though, is if he fell onto his bed and jacked off thinking back to what had been done.  Judging from how hard he looked in a pair of Madyson’s panties that we made him wear, I am pretty sure that is exactly what he did.