Tag: accomplice phone sex

She is ready for you….

I am Scarlett and I will be your server today. The special of the day is a big bucket of innocent victims.

I luv dressing up and being the bait for our sweet young prey. See I have that “cool” factor. Young with piercings and tats. In the eyes of the lil brats that makes me a demigod. I put on my lil skirt and halter top and I can get any lil boy or girl in the world to follow me to the ends of the earth, literally. Today though there is a special lil girl that you have picked out for me to entice. I promise to follow all of your instructions. No one will see me and she won’t know what hit her until its too late. I have the chloroform ready, rope and her panties will work for a handy lil gag so no one can hear her scream. I will carefully spread out the multiple tarps and when we are all done cleanup will be easy. Just roll her, the blood, semen etc all up like a nice little perfect package to burn….

I think your plan is perfect and as I check again to make sure everything is ready for you I can’t help but slide my fingers inside my panties and rub one out real quick while I watch her squirm as we wait for you…..

A surprise for my valentine

I wanted to surprise my valentine with a special gift yesterday so I went out hunting and boy did I find the perfect gift! She was blonde and so delicate that it looked like a strong breeze would blow her away, plus she was a very obedient little brat so she was just what I was looking for. I told her that I lost my poor little puppy, shit I even cried a little to make her feel sorry for me and as soon as she took my hand I knew i had her. I brought her to my friend’s house a few blocks a way and once we were safely inside I locked the door and dropped the nice girl act. I grabbed her by her hair and dragged her into his bedroom where he was waiting and boy was he pleased! He told me she was absolutely perfect as he shoved his rock hard cock down her throat. Poor little bitch was gagging and choking, she almost puked on his dick but managed to swallow it down after he told her that if she puked on him that he would snap her fucking neck. I mean we were gonna kill the bitch anyway but she didn’t need to know that right? *giggle* We played with that stupid whore all day long and by the end she was begging us to kill her, I can’t think of a better way to spend Valentine’s Day, can you?

Surprised by a stranger

Boy was I surprised today in a really big way too! You see, there’s this little blonde bitch I’ve been watching for a while and she was finally all alone. She was just starting to cry when I walked up to her and she told me all about how she lost her nanny blah blah blah. I told her that I could help her find her nanny real quick all she had to do was come with me. We had gone a little ways back up the path to where it was pretty secluded and that is when I got the surprise of my life! This guy stepped out from behind the bushes and asked me where the fuck I was going with the little blonde whore. I told him to fuck off and kept on walking past him but he grabbed my arm and started yelling at me. He said that he had been waiting fr his chance to snatch that bitch and there was no way he was going to just let me have her. Well fuck, it’s always more fun to ruin a little whore if I have a guy with me so I told him if that was all he wanted that he could just come with me and we could both have some fun. His eyes got wide and he got all happy, he even carried the stupid bitch back to my place for me. We took our time with her, hell it took more than a week for us to actually kill her! Next time we are going to plan it all out together too, I can’t wait!

Bad Little Girl Mona

Don’t let my angelic sweet face and voice fool you! I am a bad little girl, well, I am very very good when I want to be but sometimes… I can be super bad! I have been naughty since before I can really remember lol. I’ve learned that people can be very creative with their fantasies. You name it and I’ve done it and I guess I have to confess… I love the variety! I love being Daddy’s sweet little girl in one breath, a naughty bad girl helping my special friend with some of my little friends and doing just awful things! I’m a good girl, but I’m a bad girl too. Let’s just say I’m good at being bad, lol. If you are looking for a young girl for Ageplay Phone Sex it doesn’t get much younger than me. My baby girl voice will have you busting your nut cream all over my barely legal body! I want to be your bad little girl and help you, “Take a Load Off”. ~Giggles~

Snuff Playtime with Evil Teen Lydia

I opened a day care center just for Daddy.  Little Angel’s Playtime Paradise was quite a hit.  I had a great idea for Daddy’s Birthday one day.  I sent him an invitation asking him to “Play with Me”.  I had each little bitch locked up in a cage, gassed and dressed up in sexy little lingerie.  When Daddy came in, I jumped out and yelled SURPRISE!!  Immediately I cut a rope and up went a tiny little naked body.  She had a noose around her neck and her little legs were just a kicking lol.  It was SO cute!  Daddy was so happy with me it took him a few minutes to figure out which little Angel to do in first!  I pulled the cute little blonde out first and down the hatchet his cock went!  We had a fun filled night of forcing sweet little things to do just terrible things.  Daddy had never had so many tiny little fuck holes to fuck at once!  I’m a little mean though so I used some of my playtime to paint pretty red pictures on the floor.  Daddy thought it was so cute he took out his camera phone and took some pictures and video of the whole thing!

She learned the hard way…

… not to fuck with me. I don’t know how many times I told that stupid little brat to stay the fuck out of my closet and not to touch my things but she never listens! Every single time her mother brings her here she destroys my stuff of takes my clothes and I’m supposed to just let her because she’s the youngest and super spoiled. Well I say fuck that shit! Just because everyone else spoils the little bitch doesn’t mean I gotta do it too! I figured it was about time she learned her damn lesson so I invited a special friend over to help me fuck her up. My aunt dropped off her pathetic offspring and as soon as my mother was out the door the real fun got started. I sat on the couch and ignored the little bitch, sure enough, as soon as she saw I wasn’t looking she went right up to my closet like I knew she would. Boy she sure screamed when my friend popped out of the closet and grabbed her, little bitch was so scared she peed her pants! * giggle* She was struggling to get away but there was no way she could break free of his grip, he was way too strong. I can’t tell you everything he did to her here but lets just say I’m pretty sure she will never fuck with my shit again…

Beach house fun!

My friend Adam has this super beach house, it’s really big and right on the water and really really private. He asked me to bring someone special with me this time, someone really petite, almost fragile looking and right away I thought of Natalie. She’s really tiny, super super cute and she’s submissive, I just know Adam is gonna love her!

OMG you shoulda seen Adam’s face when we showed up, his jaw dropped and he just stared for a full minute at least! He told me she was just perfect as he stepped in front of her and began to remove her clothes. He ran his hands up and down her tiny body before shoving her down to her knees and telling her to suck his dick. She is a really eager lil cocksucker, I swear she was trying to swallow it whole!

It was getting me really excited so I made her lie on her back so I could sit on her face while Adam fucked her tiny pussy. She was moaning and screaming this lil whore was loving every second! We fucked her in every way imaginable, she was laying limp on the floor unable to move by the time we were through with her, but she had a tiny smile on her face so I know she loved being used like that. I have a feeling we will be inviting her back!

Bloody Slave Darcy

Mrs.Hewlett called me again this evening tell me she wanted to introduce me to someone to teach me a lesson about crying earlier when she let all those men do whatever they wanted to me. I agreed thinking that it was just going to be more men that wanted to fuck me or wanted me to give the blow jobs. 

 When I arrived to the address I was given, I was told to just walk in. As I did there was the most beautiful figure I had ever seen standing there but she had a look in her eyes like she wanted to torture me. I was terrified the moment that I saw her. She said follow me,she took me to a room where there was knives,needles, and scissors every where, and a bed with straps on it to tie me down. 

 I asked her name and she immediatley grabbed me by my hair and threw me down on the bed and strapped my arms and legs down. She was so much stronger than she looked. She said her name Nemo. Then I knew just who she was Mrs.Hewlett told me about her and how she was in some crazy nut house. I knew I was in danger. When I started crying she laughed the most evil laugh I had ever heard before. 

 Next thing I knew she had knife in her hand and she started slicing my arms not real deep just enough where I could feel it and see blood drip off of my arms.  She went up and down my legs I started feeling myself faint, as I heard her demented laugh over and over again.  

 I have no idea what happened after I passed out. I woke up in the hospital with no trace of the Deviant Killer Nemo. Because, I have to follow orders of Mrs.Hewlett I must go see Nemo again tomorrow.


Sweet treat for Daddy

Come here sweetheart, I won’t hurt you, I just really need your help finding my poor lil lost puppy.I know your mommy told you not to go home with strangers, but she meant big old scarey men, not sweet pretty girls like me! I don’t look scarey at all do I sweetie? That’s right come with me, we are gonna have so much fun! First we will find my puppy, then we will go to my house so you can meet my friends, we’ll have a sleepover! Won’t that be fun? I’m gonna teach you all kinds of fun games to play, big girl games, you wanna be a big girl like me right? Of course you do! Come on in baby girl, come and meet my friend, we will call him Daddy. He’s gonna help me teach you the first game. You see this right here? That is his cock and we are gonna kiss it! Let me show you what to do then you will do it. Stop all that bitchin and cryin and open your mouth or things are gonna get rough for you! You were dumb enough to come with me now take your punishment! Open your fucking mouth all the way, he’s gonna fuck your mouth and throat before he fucks that tiny pink pussy. Don’t fight, it’s only gonna make it hurt worse. Ok then, if you’re gonna be a little bitch and fight us, then we will have to tie you down, trust me fighting won’t help you anyway, we are bigger, stronger, and smarter than you will ever be whore so knock it the fuck off! Hahahahahha oh Daddy look at her fight against the ropes like she could actually break them! Keep fighting whore we like it rough! Get ready cus Daddy is gonna fuck that tiny lil ass now. Ooooohhh Daddy that’s right fuck that lil whore as hard as you can! Keep screaming whore we like it when you scream! It is only gonna make us hurt you more. You belong to us now bitch, I bet you wish you hadn’t been so stupid now huh? *giggles*

Lets be BAD!

C’mon baby let’s be BAD! Let’s stalk a pretty lil thing and make her ours. I wanna fuck something up today and I want YOU to help me! Once we get her back to our place we can really have some fun with her, do whatever you want to the lil bitch she isn’t ever gonna leave here… alive anyway. We can do anything to her, anything your sick twisted mind can come up with. Let’s take our time we have as long as we need, there’s no rush baby. I wanna hear her scream and see the fear in her eyes as you force her to do unspeakable things. C’mon baby let’s play! What a beautiful day, the sun is shining, birds are singing and there are lots of lil pretty things out playing all alone. I fit right in here, I look like all the nannies that are sitting around gossiping not paying attention. It is so easy to grab a lil bug and take her with me, she’s going to help me find my poor lost puppy. Once I get my lil bug back to my place things change real fast! I like to experiment with my lil bugs, cut them open to see how they tick, see just how many things I can stuff inside them before they split open. Don’t you just love they way they scream and cry? I’ll keep on going until my lil bug is totally squashed, wanna help?