Sex with young girls is waiting for daddy at Home

Sex with young girlsSex with young girls is okay as long as it’s with me and my sexy little sister! We just want to give in to a very wicked desire our big papa has. My sister and I both know just how to seduce you and take advantage of you after a long hard day at work! We have been playing with all the new sex toys you brought home for us this summer. You know what they say about idle hands.

I bet you didn’t even think my baby sister was ready for your cock yet! I have been teaching her how to suck on my dildo and eating her pussy for weeks now daddykins!  Now you have two eager girls ready to please you. Let’s have some fun and show you just what we’ve been up to! 

We ran you a nice hot bath and laid out your boxers. My little sister and I even made your favorite dinner and made you a nice drink! We night have had a sip, “Hiccup…” Or two! (Giggles)

Now after you are nice and relaxed we start with a nice massage and flirty kisses. “Drink More daddy!”, my tiny sister encourages! She has been getting the little kitty between her legs all rubbed up waiting for you to get home!  She giggles and gives you a sexy look. I join in and we start to rub each other up and down. We take turns massaging each other and teasing each other with kisses.

Sex with young girls

As the older sister and Teen whore, It is my job to help the younger girls get ready to take big dick daddy meat!  I love watching them struggle to take it all in! They are so innocent and so cute! They are so eager to learn and to please daddy! 

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