Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s got the hottest pussy of all?

Baby girl pussy

That would be mine, my tight, little, bald, pussy, loves a big fat throbbing cock, especially those thick nubs, I love the way they massage my inner pussy walls creating an ocean of creampie cum.

Don’t be scared, my little snatch can stretch out far and wide to distant places. Shove your finger’s up there, twirl them around and feel my sweet insides before you pound me out, and make sure you give it a taste, stick that finger back in your mouth, suck on it.

I want to sit and spin on your clusterfuck of cock and balls. I wanna feel that cockhead hit the bottom of my stomach while I grind, rub, bounce, and work my petite hips on your balls, grab me and hold me down before I lose control. I’ve got your balls from behind, squeezing them, making you jerk, jump and slam the fuck out of me.

There’s no slowing down with me, us young ladies can go on and on. Keep that cock deep inside me whether you cum or not. Sweet juicy sounds slithering inside me, dripping out of my pussy all over your balls creating cum bubbles exploding in my soaked up baby girl cookie cunt.

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