Internship For The Summer

It’s that time of year again.  Time for me to start looking for a place to do an internship for during the summer break.  Summer seems so far off, but if you do not start to go on appointments, and putting in applications, then I will not have a place to be in the Summer.   I know what you are all thinking, “Why would a Princess like you Katelyn want to go into a stuffy office every day during the summer.”  There are two answers to that question. 

Number one is that it helps me with my long term goal of having experience so that after I graduate I can apply for jobs which you need experience for.  I will already have mine and be familiar with the field in which I will have my degree in.  The second reason is that I enjoy going into an office and wearing just enough to not get pulled into Human Resources.  It is great to be the youngest pretty thing in an office setting.  Snarky looks galore from the office women, and lustful glances from the older men who work there.  I see the latter as an advantage. 

I will happily flirt back, make them feel wonderful, give them a reason to rush to work in the morning.  Then at the end of the summer when I ask for a reference letter to be written, it contains nothing but the utmost praise of my performance.  Just for looking the way I do and laughing at some stupid jokes.  This all helps me in my long term goal.  Perhaps, you might just see me being introduced as the new intern in your office, and you and I would get to spend the whole summer together.



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