Hot teen slut rents out her ass hole for cash!

Hot teen slut Your favorite Hot teen slut was just need a rough anal pounding from a big dick. I had no fuck buddies that were available to come over and my daddy was gone for a few days.I had to get some cock so I just went and put myself online and figured I could sell my body. I was kind of broke and really wanted to go shopping so I thought I could have a pervert man come over and fuck my ass hole for some cash. It was the best way I could get a fucking and also go shopping. I sold myself for about 1500 which is above average rate for a skinny blonde teen. 

However, I am above average and I have the sweetest Baby girl pussy on the fucking market so I knew I could get a guy to pay me what I want. Within an hour Mark was calling me and setting up a time frame on when he could swing by. He requested that I stay naked, shaved and kept my hair in pig tails. He wanted me in my bedroom so he could just walk right up the stairs and throw the money on the counter and begin. I was down for it the second he took a pic of his big ass cock and showed me. When he got in my room instead of saying hi he slipped in bed, lifted me on top and whispered “I don’t talk to whores I just use them to make myself nut and than I bounce”!

Before I could even reply his cock slammed up shit pipe and he pounded my ass hole for a while! When he was bored in that position he picked me up, slammed against the wall and made me spread my ass open while he pumped me full of cum. He slipped his cock out, pulled my pig tails back and said “Thanks for renting me your holes bitch”. He walked out and I was out shopping with my friends about 45 minutes later. It’s so easy being a little fuck doll for men!

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