My ass is the perfect piece of meat to use for a contusion inducing round of pain slut phone sex. It’s round and beefy and can take a beating so rough that, sometimes, the cane my daddy uses to get out all of his cum drenched desires cracks before I do. Ever try beating a basketball with a stick of bamboo? Quarters fly a foot high when you bounce them off of my butt, what do you think happens to a four foot long bamboo rod?
When Pop has had a bad day, he likes to have a few drinks in the den by himself and then, before bed, come into my room to take out some aggression on me before he heads off to his room to pass out. It’s been like this for years so, not only am I used to it, now I look forward to it! Nothing helps me get to sleep better than taking some ass bruising abuse and gash gaping extreme insertions at the harsh but loving hands of my drunk daddy. Every single whack and wallop makes me remember how much he cares about me and wants me to be the best cum craving teen I can be.
I get tingles all over every inch of my skin as he hollers out insult after insult directly into my ears, pulls down my pajama bottoms and spanks me with his bare hands. “Stupid fuck loving slut! You’re just like your cunt whore mother, aren’t you?! You want a real man, I’m going to show you a real man!” all the while, slapping and grabbing big hunks of my ass cheeks really hard. I know when he’s about to escalate to the tools because he always grabs a big handful of my hair and pulls my head really hard so that I’m arched backwards really far on his lap and starts plunging his thick, dry fingers into both of my tight little wet fuckholes at the same time. “You never fucking learn, do you? You’re always going to be a dirty skank, no matter what. You don’t think my dick is big enough, huh?” Then out comes the rod.
I don’t know what he means, Daddy’s dick is perfect! Six inches of perfectly curved peen, not too thick, not too thin, he’s always fit inside of me just right and made me feel fucking fantastic. Hell, he’s the first guy who ever even made me cum! It doesn’t matter. I always say “No, I love your dick, Daddy!” over and over again as he wails away on me with whatever is in his hands. Paddle, belt, hairbrush, he uses them all. He really likes to wind up and whack my ass with his bamboo canes, though. I don’t know if it’s the sound it makes as it hits me, the motion of his giant swings or the massive marks they leave all over my flesh, but it’s his favorite way to fuck me up. He always brings a few of them with him because he knows exactly what ‘s going to happen. My bubble butt, though it will look like a murder scene when all is said and done, is going to do way more damage to his bamboo then it will ever do to me. And that’s why he started pushing giant dildos and butt plugs into me.
Several years ago, he realized that I like the pain, my ass enjoys being beaten bloody, black and blue. So, to get me to cry out in agony and prompt me to apologize to him, he brought in mom’s massive, forearm sized black dildo and started cramming it inside of my young little cunt. That did the trick alright, but he wasn’t done. As I screamed out “I’m sorry, Daddy, no… NO!” he had already plunged hard inside of my never before stretched out asshole, three fingers wide and three knuckles deep. I’ve never screamed louder or longer in my whole life! LOL!!!
Yeah, my daddy might have created my love of hot whore abuse. I don’t care, somebody’s got to be a creamy cum loving pain slut, it might as well be me. You’re going to have to bring it hard if you want to break me, though. This isn’t my first time around the butt bashing block!