Darcy’s Dream Mistress


Mistress Suzi would be like a dream come true to me. I have a beautiful Mistress Hewlett but Mistress Suzi tops them all. She is a complete package of a woman with everything that any submissive slave would want. She could never disappoint anyone 

She is perfection. She is the one Mistress that I would just let take complete control of me. I would be her little slut. She could just make me a dirty little pet and make me do all the things no other slave has ever done for her.  

I wish to have the pleasure of being on my knees and bowing down to this beautiful figure in front of me. I want to give her complete control of my life,and body, and mind. With her I do not even want to think for my self anymore. 

She has not given me permission to be her little tramp but I will be waiting and begging for her for as long as I have too. 

Mistress Hewlett told me that I can have Mistress Suzi own me as long as I follow every command that Mistress Suzi says. 

Bloody Slave Darcy

Mrs.Hewlett called me again this evening tell me she wanted to introduce me to someone to teach me a lesson about crying earlier when she let all those men do whatever they wanted to me. I agreed thinking that it was just going to be more men that wanted to fuck me or wanted me to give the blow jobs. 

 When I arrived to the address I was given, I was told to just walk in. As I did there was the most beautiful figure I had ever seen standing there but she had a look in her eyes like she wanted to torture me. I was terrified the moment that I saw her. She said follow me,she took me to a room where there was knives,needles, and scissors every where, and a bed with straps on it to tie me down. 

 I asked her name and she immediatley grabbed me by my hair and threw me down on the bed and strapped my arms and legs down. She was so much stronger than she looked. She said her name Nemo. Then I knew just who she was Mrs.Hewlett told me about her and how she was in some crazy nut house. I knew I was in danger. When I started crying she laughed the most evil laugh I had ever heard before. 

 Next thing I knew she had knife in her hand and she started slicing my arms not real deep just enough where I could feel it and see blood drip off of my arms.  She went up and down my legs I started feeling myself faint, as I heard her demented laugh over and over again.  

 I have no idea what happened after I passed out. I woke up in the hospital with no trace of the Deviant Killer Nemo. Because, I have to follow orders of Mrs.Hewlett I must go see Nemo again tomorrow.


Daddy’s Girls


If you have ever talked to me or my best friend Rebel then you would know that we are both Daddy’s little princess. We get everything we want from our Daddy’s. It’s just too bad they do not know how their little girls act when they are not around. We are not as innocent as some people think. Giggle. 

 We just know all we have to do is bat our pretty little eyes and we can get what we want because we have them wrapped around our little pinkies. Once we send them on their ways to get anything we want that day, we call the guys we have been talking to over to fuck us just like our Daddy’s do. So, they are only thinking that their cocks are the only ones that enter our sweet little innocent counts. Giggle. 

 Our Daddy’s know every night they better not come home empty handed or they will not get any of our sweet spots. Daddy’s little girls should always be treated little spoiled Princesses!  

Mrs.Hewlett’s Cum Slut


I drove to the school again this morning to meet Mrs.Hewett as I was ordered to do. She told me today I would prove myself to her by being a good little slave and doing whatever the men and women she introduced me too wanted.

 As I walk to her office she tells me that I need to shut my damn mouth and get on my knees. She places a blind fold on me and tells me do whatever I am told to do and how I am told to do.

 As I am sitting there in the darkness from the blind fold. I feel something go around my neck and get very tight. I start crying it scared me but in some awkward way I felt my panties get very wet. Something about being controlled scares me but at the same time makes me feel hot and bothered.

 Then my head is jerked back and my mouth is pryed open by big strong hands. All of the sudden I am being chocked and gagged by the biggest cock ever,fucking my mouth as though he can not get deep enough into it. I am pushing on his waist and stomach trying to get him to move but he won’t. Tears are running down my face. All the sudden he shoots the largest fucking load of cum in my mouth, so I start sucking harder and harder when he explode in my mouth I came so hard in my panties. 

Over and over for hours my mouth was fucked by, well I lost count after 10. Although its scary I love being Mrs.Hewletts little submissive cum slut! 



Daddys Pornstar


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Daddy Auditions !

The New Year is here, and well…It is never to early to get ready for the MOST important day of the year. Valentine’s day. I mean it’s a day all about LOVE. And no one loves you better than Daddy! Plus you get to wear all new pretty things and you get presents. And I love presents. Especially ones that sparkle. So… I have decided that I need a new Daddy to play with! I am the best little angel in the world I stay wet and ready for my Daddy! I just cant wait to show you exactly how good of a little girl I can be. I will show you how well I can suck that big cock of yours Daddy. How I can hold it all the way down my throat. You know how I like it Daddy. And I will show you how very tight my little holes are for you Daddy. And how I know just how to sit my bottom on your lap and wiggle like you like. Until Daddy has to teach that little bottom a hard lesson. Oooh Daddy, I am on my knees and waiting for my hard lesson Daddy.

It is time to play the game…

I am very excited about tonight! For the past few years every few weeks I get called to do a special favor for a friend. I get to have all the fun I want AND he pays me soooo much cash! See Ben is a single father of 2 very well behaved boys. Ooooh they didn’t use to be well behaved. No No! When I started they were little terrors. The were old enough to not need babysitter but couldnt be trusted alone. They were always getting into something bad. The were the badest boys I had ever met! I tried everything to get them to mind. I yelled and spanked, grounded and punished. Nothing worked. So finally I tried what always worked on the other guys I knew. A reward system! If they eat all their dinner, I serve dessert naked. If they do all their chores, I clean up their cocks. And if they are perfect little angles, They get to cum so deep inside me. It didn’t take long at all to tame those little terrors. And when their father found out… Well lets just say he knows how to play the reward game to! And he is VERY happy with our games. So will you be good enough to see what I have to offer?

On display

I woke up this morning to my dogs going crazy. It was 6:15 in the morning and they wouldn’t shut up. I was having one of the best sex dreams I had ever had. But I had to go find out exactly what they were barking at. Who knew it would be my neighbor, standing naked on his back porch stroking his cock with what appears to be his daughters’ panties. When I look back up at his face I see he is looking right inside my window. Watching me as I slide my fingers between my legs and start rubbing my dripping wet pussy lips. I watch him pulling and beating that big cock of his. And I knew  what I had to do. I opened the door and motioned for him to come over. He never stopped stroking his cock. As he came in the living room he threw me down on my couch bending my arms behind me. Then he pulled my hips and ass up in the air, putting me on display as he stroked himself. Finally he laid  the panties right next to me . Grabbed my hips and gave me just what I needed.

School Girl Phone Sex

Today was my first day back to school. My goal this year in school was to see how many teachers I could please. I meant in anyway. I like to be used and told what to do. So, what better way then to give them what they wanted and how they wanted it.

But, to my surprise guess who was teaching today Mr.Hewlett the one from my profile. He told me that him and his wife both had jobs there this year and they had some big surprises for me. So, after everyone went to lunch he told me that I needed to stay behind he walked me to Mrs. Hewlett’s class room. Where I met her and three other men, I am unsure if they were teachers or not. I heard Mistress (Mrs.Hewlett lock the door behind me. As, I turned around I saw that all the men had their pants down and Mistress told me that I should prepare myself for my holes and mouth to be stretched out today, and every day after this during school. I was honestly excited about it. I love pleasing them and being their submissive little slut that is what I am here for. SO, like a good little tramp I got on all fours and had my tight little wholes stretched beyond belief.

I wonder what I will get next time…

I have the best Mistress!

Into the Rabbit Hole with Sadistic Teen Lydia

Not all teens are nice.  I look so sweet and I sound even sweeter.  Tell me Daddy, could you imagine my sweet little voice weaving the most nefarious and deadly schemes?  You recognized a darkness inside me.  I craved your attention and I knew I could get it.  But that step monster and her innocent little cum stain have to go.  She’s making you so miserable Daddy.  I want to help you.  We both have grown to recognize that evil inside each other.  We’ve been hesitant until now to tell each other.  After I heard how unhappy she made you, I just couldn’t stand it any longer!  Someone has to pay.  Your wife will be home shortly but innocent little Hailey is upstairs in her bedroom.  I want to help you Daddy.  I want to help you hurt her.  Show me your monster and I’ll show you mine.  Don’t forget the tools and the rope.  The tarp was a nice touch you brought.  it IS going to be very bloody after all.  Hailey never saw it coming.  I asked her nicely but she was too stupid to listen, so I bashed her head into the headboard.  Bleeding and crying she soon knew not to tell me no.  Daddy had his way and I helped him.  I also helped him discover another rabbit hole that sweet Haily was hiding.  I can’t wait for your wife to get  home.  ~Giggles~