I keep having vivid dreams of someone coming into my room. I get ready for bedtime and wake up in a puddle. In a house full of boys it could be anyone eating my cunny out. I have four brothers all very hands-on with there sweet baby sister. Could it be my Daddy? Maybe its uncle ben. My uncle been is visiting and crashing in our couch. My room isn’t too far from the living room. My uncle has easy access. Whoever it loves eating teen pussy. I wake up in a haze and can feel my bedroom intruder come in and blindfold me. It’s clear they want to stay anonymous. It’s not too bad getting that pleasure from my secret pleasure assistant. I let him go to town. I didn’t realize the person coming in and out of my room could very well be a female. Maybe its mommy or sissy. *Giggle* perhaps I will find out soon.