I remember when I was just a young little girl, one of my older male babysitters had me be his accomplice as we force fucked one of the other little girls that he was babysitting at the same time as me. I didn’t think that there was anything wrong with it at the time, to me it was just another day of having some playful fun with a youngster, but this little girl did not want to be touched whatsoever by either of us! She was uncomfortable and struggling to break free from our grasps, but the babysitter insisted that we continue to have our way with her. I felt bad because she was screaming and crying but he had me hold her limbs down while he shoved his cock deep inside of her tight little cunny. Poor thing had no idea what was even happening to her! I got over feeling bad pretty quickly and was soon enjoying the moment too with the babysitter. He was laughing and loved every second of it with no remorse at all. When we were finished with her, he told me how good of an accomplice I am for him and that he wanted me to help him out with some of his other fantasies in the future as well. Let me just tell you, he and I had some wild fun together!