I know you see me with my shirt skirt. I put on a pair of white panties just for you. I want to tease you. Glide my fingers over my panties. Lightly touching my pussy over my panties. These white cotton panties could be yours. I bet you are dying to get your hands on my white cotton panties. They smell so good. They taste so good.
Slip your fingers under my panties and into my pussy. Start finger fucking me! Make me feel good! I want you to make this tight teen pussy yours! Push them over to the side, stick your hard cock inside of me! Slid your dick inside. I am so fucking wet! If you keep me waiting I am going to drip my pussy juices all over my panties! Don’t tease me any more! I need your cock! I am begging you to slip your cock deep inside of me!! Fill me up with your cum!!