What Was That?

I don’t like the word no. The more you you say it, the more distant I will get. If you want me to be around you, you’re going to have to buy me things, because you see my time is money, and every second I am spending with you should be money that you are spending on me. I don’t know how else you expect to be able to get into my panties.
I am daddy’s little princess, and really, at the end of the day there is always that old saying that I live by “ass, grass, or cash. Nobody rides for free”. You’re getting ass. so what am I getting. It better be cash.
Do you understand?
My pussy is a fucking temple, and if you want anything from me, I better be having my demands met at all times. If you can’t do that then I don’t think I want too much to do with you.  I need to make sure you get this, I don’t know how many more times I have to make myself clear with you. It’s not that I don’t like being around you, it’s that I really only started hanging out with you because you have something I want. I never thought that it would be this hard for you to understand. I’m sorry I have to be sooo mean, I just don’t think you quite get it. I want your money, not your affection. So just keep the wallet open, and your mouth closed. The more your fork over, the more I’m willing to do when we play. Ok?
I’m sorry you pushed me past the point of my normal sweetness, but I think you and I need to set boundaries. Your pathetic ass needs pussy, and my cute ass likes money.

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